The Lowland Ficus dammaropsis


Basically, from time to time you'll get into the habit of pulling the foil away and doing a quick inspection. Maybe once a week +/-. When I put some airlayers on my crotons during the height of the summer, usually they will be removed in 4-6 weeks. Some croton varieties will root much faster than others. The ficus was probably on for 2 months or so, maybe 10 weeks. I don't write any dates when I put airlayers on.

When removed, I pot these up in 3 gallon size pots and add nutricote. And then stand back, the roots explode! Probably within 4-6 weeks after being potted up, you'll find that their rooted in so much that you can hold the stem and pick them up, without them falling out.
For an idea of the growth rate here in Hawaii, these are two pics almost exactly one year apart. I guess it's time to try some air layering, but I can't find any moss. There seems to be a major moss shortage over here in Hawaii. Something to do with Chile. Does anyone else have this problem. I tried to buy some to start mounting orchids and other epiphytes, but nobody has any, not even Home Depot or Lowes.


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Good idea,

But Jerry A. had some moss stockpiled and traded with me for an arm and a leg and another precious body part. :)

I think it's probably worth more around here than the pakalolo.


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I have what I think is the lowland dammaropsis growing in my yard in Florida. I got a small cutting from Montgomery Botanical Garden in Miami. My plant is now 8 feet tall and growing like a weed. Leaves are enormous. Synconium are much different than upland dammaropsis.

This plant is not the same species as ficus dammaropsis at all.

Does anyone know the botanical name for my plant?
Sorry Kim - I could not tell you. Since this topic started, I have not heard anything more about this "lowland" species. I would sure like to know more, and I sure would like to be growing one.

If you had not said you got the plant from a Botanical Garden, I would have suspected it was just the regular "Dinner Plate Fig."

Is there any way you could give us a few photos? Note that the leaves on a smaller plant (6-8ft.) can be bigger than what they are on a mature larger tree. That is why I would really like to see a photo. Or if not, can you take a measurement - length and width?
OOPs - I see now, I thought all the photos were from MattyB since his post was so short. And yes Kim, your garden looks to be growing very well.

But - I am not sure if your leaves are as big as in the original photo for this thread - what do you think? But they do look larger than the those on the typical tree.

I'll take a nice close up of the fruit/flower on mine to compare with yours and see if they look to be any different.
I have a plant that looks very much like the plant photos posted by Aussiearoids. He call it "lowland dammaropsis". Does anyone know the botanical name?


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OOPs - I see now, I thought all the photos were from MattyB since his post was so short. And yes Kim, your garden looks to be growing very well.

But - I am not sure if your leaves are as big as in the original photo for this thread - what do you think? But they do look larger than the those on the typical tree.

I'll take a nice close up of the fruit/flower on mine to compare with yours and see if they look to be any different.
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I have Ficus dammaropsis in my garden also.

Here are the differences I see between the my larger leafed Ficus and Ficus dammaropsis.

1. The fruit (synconium) is very different (see photo).

2. Leaves are different. Highland dammaropsis has corrugated leaves with red veins. My larger leafed plant has smoother leaves with light green veins.

3. My larger leafed plant is still young. The leaves are getting larger and larger with each new leaf. The largest leaves now are 36" long and 24" wide. My ficus dammaropsis leaves are not even close to this size - much smaller.

I don't know if my larger leafed Ficus is the same as the original photo for this thread. However, I cannot believe that it is Ficus dammaropsis - way different.

Any ideas on how to identify? Do you know any place that will do genetic sequencing for me?
Kim Miller, are you the same person as Jupiter Kim? I think so, right?

I wanted to ask you what the lowest temperature you had last winter was? You have so many cool things in your garden. What is the cycad-looking or tree-fern looking plant behind the ficus dammaropsis? Could it be a Bowenia? You can see it in photo 2691. It's beautiful. Would love to see a close-up of its features.

Same as JupiterKim. I mistakenly got two identities and passwords for this site.

Here is the range of low temperatures here in Jupiter FL last winter that were lower than 50:
November 46 (x2), 47
December 41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48 (x2), 49
January 43, 44, 46, 47, 48 (x2), 49
February 34, 41, 42, 43, 47 (x2)

The cycad behind the Ficus is Cycas debaoensis. Here are a few photos.


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Thanks so much, Kim. Looks like you are a bit warmer that me. That's a killer cycad. Love all the photos of the different defining areas. Do you mind saying where you got it? Saw some seed for sale, but don't think I'm that patient!
If anybody in this discussion is still living;) I was given these two. One is Ficus auriculata and the other is one of the Ficus dammaropsis. Its got the red vein above and is all green veined below if that helps.


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