The Little Daisy Fund & a Belated Thank You!

Jerry Shilling

Well-Known Member
I've been behind the eight ball the last few months. A 15 year old computer and XP software isn't helping. Love my iPad and want to go to a Mac but this posting trouble has me concerned.

Anyway, for those who are unaware, I've dedicated my croton hobby to the memory of my grand daughter, Daisy Christine Little and the charity named after her. Small private charities struggle and I'd rather grow crotons than bake cookies to help fund it.

I can't tell you how thrilled & humbled I was at the reception my hybrids had at the Glock get together last November. Old retired farts need a hobby and purpose... so many thanks.

The following table display I had there will fill you in. So with that said, let me publicly acknowledge the following people who purchased my hybrids at the Glock event.

Tan Wi Kiat
George Zammas
Lamar Sapp
Jose Lopez
Kip Gulbrandsen

and the following who stopped by the Daisy Christine Memorial Garden and purchased air layers.

Tim O'donnel
Mike Shilling
Bayshore Landscape Nursery

A special thank you to Kip who made the following hybrid the top dollar plant at the Glocks. I'm going to be sick if I forgot anyone. All told I was able to raise approximately $2200. Thank you so very much!!


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Okay, on with the show. This 4 year old hybrid was named Daisy's Dance and I just love her to death. Good grower but I've had a little difficulty getting it to branch. I pinched it in October and it did nothing. Put a bag on it it and within 24 hrs the buds began to swell. It's going gang busters now and it has an air layer on it.
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This 4 year old will get a name this year. This is another one that's been super slow but is also starting to show some spunk. I've kept this one out of direct sunlight but recently placed it in some sun for a few hours each day. Just amazing how light can influence coloring. Another personal favorite.
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Thank's Jerry what great way to start my day. Your location and great care gives us some great eye candy.

Your doing an amazing job down there! You surely have a lot of future winners that deserve very colorful names. At the rate your going, you will no doubt become one of the greatest hybridizers of ALL time, if not THEEE BEST! You are an inspiration to all of us!
Wow, Dad, these are spectacular! I can't wait to take Pixie to your garden this year! How beautiful!

To everyone who contributed to the Little Daisy Fund, thank you so very much! This year's scholarship process has begun with the nomination of 34 kids. Five of those students will receive dance tuition for next season, July '14 thru June '15. The sales and donations from my dad's crotans will provide more than half of that scholarship tuition. Thank you so very much!