The Colors of Cordylines (The Ti Plant)


Staff member
I can never resist buying, clipping, or trading for a Ti I don't yet have. I never tire of the seemingly endless colors and shapes.

So to check this new forum software and the ease of uploading photos, what better subject matter could there be?

Note that up to four photos can be uploaded at a time, and no resizing is necessary. The software should take care of everything. Depending on the size of photos, uploading four at a time may take up to a minute.

Please register and give it a try.


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I absolutely love all the colors you have in your garden Dean. A few cordylines and aroids make a huge difference in a garden.
It's funny how some Cordyline cultivars are popular all over. I recognise quite a few of those in your photos and have some of them growing at home. Will I's Gold is always a favourite.

Does anyone know much about starting these from seed. I have heard it is a "grab bag" as to what you will come up with.

We have recently started a few dozen from seed off of colored ones, and although they are only an inch or two high, most are just plain green. Will the color come later, or do most of them revert back to the green form?
Dean , I know several people up here who have grown some very stunning seedlings .
It is just luck and numbers , grow thousands but be selective on what plants you harvest seed from .. It can take a few years before true colours come out , and then only in winter . But definetly worth the effort if you have the seeds and space .
Sorry for the tiny pics but these are very old from my dinky little Kodak digicam..
Think they are all seedlings grown by Pirrie Sargent .
The last is 'RedSar'


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Dean , I know several people up here who have grown some very stunning seedlings .
It is just luck and numbers , grow thousands but be selective on what plants you harvest seed from .. It can take a few years before true colours come out , and then only in winter . But definetly worth the effort if you have the seeds and space .
Thanks for the info Mike. I was curious because out of the 2-3 dozen we have sprouted, they are all green, except for one. Despite the fact they all came from "colored" plants. I guess as in all things gardening ------ patience, patience, patience. :)
Here are two pictures of the parent plant and two pictures of the only non-totally-green seedling. This seedling had a hint of red from the very first leaves... I'm hoping it will be interesting.:D


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MattyB where are you?!?! Oh yeah you were busy posting "on the set with MattyB" Can you post some pictures of your Ti seedlings... purdy please?:eek:
They are nice... I always like cordylines. I used to have them in Gove, but haven't got into them again with this garden, as I still have limited shade and most of them require some sort of protection. I have some though, which has colour up nicely.

Regards, Ari :)
I've gathered a bunch berries from different Tis which contained seeds but only one of the Ti's seeds germinated. It was very prolific- when I opened the berry I could see that the seed already started to sprout! The picture I posted is one of those seedlings... I can't wait to see how it will turn out! Good luck with your seeds Scott!:)
OK Angela, here's some germinated Ti pics. The first two pics are from the mother plants which are at Jerry Andersen's place in Leilani Estates on the Big Island.


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You can see that many have damped off. They get just a couple of mites on them too and they just hate that. Very prolific germiators though. Each berry has multiple seeds inside of it. As you can see by pic #2, two plants from the same batch. One is green and one is sporting some good red coloration already.


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Thanks Matty!
In the beginning I was good about keeping track of which berries came from what plant... but I got lazy because I started collecting them every time I saw any- even from parking lots. Too many to keep track of. I also collected some seeds at Jerry's... those look like the same plants- good to know that they will germinate. It's a relief to see that yours are still pretty green, now I won't give up on my green seedlings:)
The picture I posted showed the seedling that already has some color. It had some red on the very first leaf... if you click on the thumbnail you can see that the petioles are already dark red... but after all that color, the latest leaf is more green.:mad:
How can you tell when the seed are ripe? Do they change from green?
I think the green ones pretty much stay green. I don't pick them until they look a little shriveled or give a little when you squeeze them. The "rock hard" fruit I've opened never have had mature seed.:eek:
so you guys like ti plants huh? I feel a monster thread coming on!!!
My dad is a ti junky, I just bought 5 boxes of different kinds from rancho tissue culture in california, he has a bunch already and some that he has hybridised himself, thats not to say they dont already exist but he has a small breeding program going on.
I will snap some more shots later, by the way Dean, fancy upload set up I like it alot!!


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Thanks for the pics Tad.

I do have a weakness for ti plants. I can't pass one by that I don't already have. Either the wallet comes out, or the clippers. ;) Fortunately the Big Island has quite a few varieties.

Re: The Upload Program
Glad you appreciate it. It was not easy getting it to work.

You don't have to re-size. Just feed in the pics and over 90% of the time they will be resized for you. Only exception is if the original is very large and an odd ball resolution. So use your best quality and largest pics.

How about a short story about one of your escapades south of the border for our Online Publication? Something with some interesting pics. I have no doubt you have a few doozies. Maybe even one or two you could share. ;)
IMGP8501.jpgHere's some of our Tis (you can click on the thumbnail for a better look)
This one we found in a ditch by the side of the road! It's nice and tall.IMGP8528.jpg
This one is a little buggy...IMGP8529.jpg


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These are a labor of love for me. I have tested a 6 - 7 different kinds over the last two winters now. Tad, the bottom right one - I have that (don't remember name from Rancho) and it hardy ever has massive leaf drop in winter. My favorite for sure. 'Plum pudding' is pretty good too.

Dean, post 5 top right. What variety? I like it.
Sorry Len,

I only know the names of these when they are still in their pots with their tags. I forget the names of these as soon as I backfill the hole they are planted in.

Have you tried both varieties of the "Black Magic?" Those do great in SoCal.
Yeah, but not as tropical as I like. But they handle full sun with ease and of course no issue with winters.
Dean, i will try and figure somthing out, the last big trip I took some people on was pretty good.
Here's some more. Where are you Matty??? Could you post an update photo of your baby Tis?
The first photo is a detail of the very tall Ti we found on the side of the road.
The second one is a Ti called "big ballerina" (Ballerina Grande) that we bought at walmart.


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