Spring 2016 Garden Tour & Croton Auction

He is in Broward County at the very west end of Griffin Rd, just before it dumps out on to 27. It's about a 5 minute drive or so from Jeff's nursery. I'll get a street address and post it soon. Looking forward to seeing you there!
George's address is 4801 SW 205th Ave, Southwest Ranches, Fl 33332. The auction itself is going to take place around 1 pm, due to the length of time it takes to smoke the pork. George wanted to have food and beverage available prior to the auction. If anyone would like to bring something, I'm sure it would be appreciated. Visitors are welcome anytime after 10. There is lots to look at on his property, particularly all of his new croton cultivars, and the older, mature palms. If you need to contact George directly, his cell number is 954-839-5505.
Is ready for the next Saturday!
Quick trip to Mounts for the Palm Beach Palm & evil Cycad show with Greg, DeDe & Rory...then off to Le Croton' event at Georges. Hope I have some pesos left after shopping.
Looking forward to see the usual suspects..Lamar..Moose..Ana..Jose..Tim..Phil..Randy. And our esteemed auctioneer Jeff who should have recovered from his recent 'Ganza.
Unfortunately Bullwinkle missing as he's off to a family event
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George, thanks so much for sharing your incredible garden with us today. Steve didn't have his camera for the early part of the tour but here are a few shots he took later on. A great lunch - thanks to all the providers and a great auction - thanks Phil and Tim. I love our gatherings!

At George Z's 3.JPG
At George Z's 4.JPG

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At George Z's 1.JPG


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    At George Z's 2.JPG
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Thanks George for hosting the croton meeting at your place, you have a beautiful garden full of nice hybrids. I was lucky enough to get the winning bid on five of your plants. Thanks also for the plant and two D. R. cuttings you gave me. Tim, thanks for the plants you gave me, The Jesture you grew is the best one I have seen.
Thank you George for the tour of your incredible property, delicous lunch and great auction. Your palm & croton collections are amazing. You did a great job with the pork and Phil & Tim ran a really good auction. Thanks everyone for a nice day. It's always such fun getting together our croton friends. Marnie
Great Day, beautiful home and garden. The tour thru the seedling patch was spectacular, keep up the good work the bidding on the ones you brought was hot and heavy $$$$$$$$. Can't wait for the next gathering CU.
George! Thank you so much for a great croton event! Your palms and crotons were awesome! It was fun to see your "laboratory " Got to see and talk with other avid croton collectors. The food was great! Came home with some nice new "babies" Had a great time!! And thanks to Jackie for letting us visit your home! Great Job!!!! Judy
I'm Liz Hernandez and yesterday was my first time with the Croton group. WHAT a way to start!!!!! Thank you George for sharing your home and gardens with us; gosh, if I had gotten bitten by the croton bug, now I am infected with the desire to experiment with seedlings!!!! Yikes! I met amazing and interesting people and truly enjoyed myself greatly. Thanks to everyone for your friendliness. A special thanks to Bob for his extraordinary kindness. And a super special thanks to Jose and Ana for giving this newbie a ride there.
What a great time I had! I enjoy all of you and our gatherings so much! George, what can I say that hasn't been already said? Your garden is spectacular! Oh my goodness, what an incredible palm and croton collection! Such a feast for my eyes... And your hybrids/seedlings were just magnificent!!! What an inspiration to me. I was lucky to have the winning bids on several of your special plants and I'm so excited to have them, I'm just walking around with them trying to find the most perfect spots!!! The pork, empanadas, pecan pie, broccoli salad and all the goodies were delectable, and Phil and Tim outdid themselves with the auction. Thanks to everyone! I love these events!
Another fun and successful event. A massive thank you to George for all of your hard work and generosity. The property looked superb. There was a very good turnout of croton and plant enthusiasts, a diverse selection of very nice crotons for auction, and very agreeable weather. Like others have stated, I really enjoy our gatherings, and feel privileged to be a part of it. Thank you to everyone for continuing to make these functions happen. Sorry to have missed those who could not attend. Thanks again George!
Hi everyone! Finally have had the chance to sit down and write something . First I want to thank You George for your hospitality! Your garden was incredible! So many beautiful seedlings and wonderful palms! Wonderful gathering of croton enthusiast. Also I want to welcome Liz to the group and I'm sure that she will enjoy being around croton lovers like herself. Thanks again George...
Thank you Jose for the kind welcome! And for the suggestion of posting this info on a cheap and non-toxic insecticide:
WHITE OIL: a Horticultural Oil is used for controlling sucking and chewing insects like aphids, scale, mealy bug and citrus leaf miner. It's not a poison, but suffocates the pests - so they can't develop a resistance. It needs to be sprayed on both sides of leaves and stems to work properly.
Recipe and Video: http://www.abc.net.au/gardening/stories/s4420335.htm

·One cup dishwashing detergent
·Two cups sunflower oil

Add to a clearly labelled jar or other container, close the lid tightly and shake until it becomes white - and presto! Concentrated White Oil.

When ready to use, dilute one tablespoon of the concentrate to one litre of water. Add to a clearly-labelled spray bottle, shake and off you go!

NOTE - please do not apply when the temperature is 30 degrees Celsius or over as it may burn your plants.
And another video on same topic:
Thank you Liz for this useful information. This is something that may work for us that do not want to use harmful chemicals. I'm certainly going to try this. I was using fish oil but sometimes it burns the leaves a bit.