That's certainly a robust plant but I don't think it's Splash. Splash has a Franklin Roosevelt leaf shape and length.
Several years ago, a Croton Society member in Arcadia (Cindy?) won an auction plant during one of the meetings. Aside from that small plant, the only other specimen I can remember was growing under a huge, Bat filled Banyan tree in Cairns, Australia. I was there for my honeymoon and brought back a small cutting that never rooted well and died shortly thereafter.
From what I recall Harold Lee saying, there are anywhere from 4 to 7 Eburneum or Eburneum like plants:
1. White Eburneum = Andrew = Tamara
2. Pink Eburneum
3. Amabile
4. White/Yellow Amabile
5. Splash
6. Australian Eburneum (narrow leaf like a Picturatum)
7. Ben Vergara (just an out of color White Eburneum in my opinion)