New Crotons


Active Member
Many many thanks to Toby for sending me all these croton sticks a few weeks ago, not to mention a nice plumeria stem and a little orchid that I almost missed in the newspaper packing :)

He said he was just paying it forward for all the nice folks that gave him crotons over the years, so I plan to do the same some day with offspring from these sticks when they blossom into big beautiful crotons in the next few years...

Assorted cuts 3  from Toby 060812.jpg

Assorted cuts from Toby 060812.jpg

Assorted cuts 2  from Toby 060812.jpg

Inside all those sticks are:
General Macarthur
Philip Geduldig !
Eleanor Roosevelt
Jungle Queen !
Baron Lecompte !
Rheedii !
Thomas Edison !
Madame Butterfly !
Madame Butterfly Alt. #2 ? a different form??
Golden Glow !
P. 82 Connie Cutler?
Miami Beauty
Johannis !
Major Dade
Colonel Gilbert Cutler
Claude Lorraine !
Island Breeze

I've already lost a few to rot - when I unpacked them in the evening I put them all in a big tub of water to soak, potted them up the next day and place them under plastic on my porch. When I moved them into the greenhouse the following week there was a fair amount of botryis and /or other rot starting, some varieties much worse than others, so I bought some ferti-lome brand systemic fungicide (propiconazole) and sprayed them down pretty heavy and have not seen any new botrytis since, though I did throw away a few totally dead sticks the other day, hence the one empty pot :(

Next time I plan to soak the sticks on arrival in a fungicide bath before potting them up. Any suggestions out there for which fungicide would be best to try?
Hmm, I lost many good sticks years ago when collecting in Hawaii. I carried them around for one week in moist paper towels, thinking I didn't want to let them dry out. Big mistake, they all rotted once I got home. Sorry to hear you lost a few, but your still going to have some nice additions!