Mad Fox Seeds Finally!!!


Staff member
This palm started flowering three years ago and has never stopped. And it has teased me with keeping seed on long enough to be viable the whole time. And never knowing what the viable seed looked like, I never knew for sure. I had heard it sort of "pops open." Well not knowing what that really meant, I was lost. But now I know. :)


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Ahh, just another Dypsis. Just kidding, congrats. on seeing it finally setting some good seed. It just shows that this Dypsis really dosen't have to be that big (or tall).

Dean, how tall is it, and and how old from say a 3gallon size plant?

Overall this is about head high with about 2 inches of fresh trunk now. It is 6-7 years old from a normal sized 1 gal. And as I mentioned, it started flowering about 3, maybe even 4 years ago.

But the funny thing is that it has never stopped sending out inflorescences. Each new leaf also contained a flower spike - at about 5 a year. But the problem is that the male and female flowers go off at different times. And even when I thought I had a set, they never got to this stage.

But I'm not going to celebrate 'til they germinate. And I've got my expert germinator helper taking care of that. :)
Whoah, they sure did "pop". Interesting. Good luck on the germination. This is one palm that I'm very upset that I killed. A couple of days over 100F and it just gave up the ghost. Next time I'm going to keep it out of the greenhouse and grow it in shade, on my lower deck, along with the Hedescepy, Howea, and Rhopalostylis. They seem to like it there.
Congrats Dean. Jeff Marcus has talked about the difficulty of getting these to set seed so you are doing something right. Aaron
Well talk about greedy. Are you going to share around any of the next batch ??

Let's cross that bridge once I see one sprout?

There are some logistical hassles when sending things from Hawaii. But these seeds are super clean, just because of the way they "pop" at the end. So they may be a litte easier to get approval.

The next batch is already only about 2 months away, so I may have some indication of their viability by then.
Can I go on the 'waiting list'? LOL. Seriously... I would never thought they would produce seeds that young....

Regards, Ari :)

If these germinate I'll have plenty more. This palm has thrown out an inflorescence with every new frond for almost three years now. I've never seen a palm flower this profusely.

They've been in a tray for two weeks now, but I'm noticing some mold starting. I didn't do anything special. We'll see.
I was reviewing an old IPS Palms Journal and they had a pic of D. cookei seed splitting/popping, just like your D. marojeyji. The overall plant and the seeds look the same.
I pulled out the journal to reference it and I noticed that I made a mistake. The palm I was refering to was Dypsis coursii. See "PALMS" Vol. 53(3) Sept. 2009 page 131.