Jerry's Keys Collection

Woo hoo!!! More spectacular crotons to drool over! I just wish I knew the names of some. A lot I recognize, but there are a few that I just can't place. Thanks so much for posting them Randy! I appreciate a much needed fix and some inspiration for the sale this Friday!:D Ana

Thank you so much for all the pictures. What a treat for one home-sick croton addict! Really...thanks!

As hard as it will be to leave Pixie, we will begin the long drive home by the way of Indiana this Saturday morning. Should be back in Paradise in a couple of weeks.

Brenda thinks I'm turning the place into Cartoon Land with all the color.
This magnificent pink/orange sport is from a Magnificent.:p DSC_0093.jpgDSC_0094.jpg
Jerry's crotons are awesome! And pictures do not show how huge all the leaves are! Hurry home , Jerry and Brenda! We miss you guys!