

Well-Known Member
For the wiki


  • P1010008.jpg
    301.9 KB · Views: 91
  • P1010010.jpg
    253.4 KB · Views: 88
Have you tried uploading directly to the wiki? Click on "Upload Multiple Files" (left sidebar) and upload up to ten at a time. You can change the file name during the upload to reflect the name. That way, someone will know the name and can get it on the right page.

Getting them on a page is a little trickier (but not that much). But to upload to the wiki from here someone has to first download them to their computer and then turn around and re-upload them again to the wiki. Then delete them from their computer. If you upload them directly to the wiki, then anyone who knows what to do with them can get them on a page in in a few seconds by simply typing in [[Image:filename.jpg]] on the page.

You could get them on the wiki in about the same amount of time as starting a new topic and uploading here. Give it a try once, and if you can't figure it out I will be able to see what you did wrong and tell you how.
Dean - When I first joined this site, I learned how, but I've forgotten. And to be honest, I've got a lot more on my mind right now. It's good for me to get out in the garden, walk around, and take photos for everyone to see and use in the wiki. But I can't focus on the more technical stuff for now. I'll be more than happy to give whoever is doing the job for me a bunch of Crotons, come next Spring.
All I'm saying is to try uploading to the wiki instead of to the forum. Someone can take care of the technical stuff from there. It would save you time as well, because you can upload ten at a time without having to start topics for each one. Click on "Upload Multiple Files" and you will see.

Instead of you uploading ten - one at a time, then someone else downloading ten - one at a time, then uploading them all again - there would only be one upload with all ten at once. That saves a tremendous amount of time.
Dean - I saw that on the wiki. I'm putting them here for confirmation or to give some additional information and, if nothing else, to compete with Moose for posting supremacy. Plus, if I put them here, I know lots of folks will see them because it's a thread. If I just stick them in the wiki, well, who knows that new photos have been added?
I see Crotonologist has the hang of it. I would suggest that if Fawn uploaded to the wiki, Crontonologist can put them on the pages.

Crotonologist can check "Recent Changes" (also on the left sidebar) and see when anything has been uploaded, and even copy the image code to make page placement very quick.

If anyone uploads to the wiki and renames the files when doing so (which is a snap), then Crotonologist (or anyone else) would know the names and could put them on the proper pages with very little time and effort.
You come down this way in the early summer and I'll fill up your car or pickup truck with rooted cuttings in cans. If it warms up by the first or second week in March, I'm going to fill the new mistbed with cuttings of Crotons that are either blocking pathways or getting to leggy.
Dean - I saw that on the wiki. I'm putting them here for confirmation or to give some additional information and, if nothing else, to compete with Moose for posting supremacy. Plus, if I put them here, I know lots of folks will see them because it's a thread. If I just stick them in the wiki, well, who knows that new photos have been added?
By checking "Recent Changes" anyone can see what has been uploaded to the wiki. In addition, the code can be copied from there and more time is saved. By having two browser windows open, anyone can copy and paste code from "Recent Changes" to a wiki page.

You could do both --- another suggestion:
Since I also like to prepare and upload photos to the PalmTalk Forum, and to the forum here - I have a folder where I put photos I eventually intend to upload to the wiki. So when I'm done with posting on the Forum, I just drag a copy to the upload folder.

Then when I have ten in the folder, I upload them all at once to the wiki. That way it takes me about 1 minute to prepare all ten for upload, and I can be doing something else while they are uploading.

I am only trying to save people time. It is easier to get people to help if it is simple and fast. Realistically, getting 10 photos from the Forum to the wiki could take over 15 mins - depending on your up/download speed. Then onto the proper pages another 15 mins. By contrast, I can get 10 photos from my desktop folder uploaded and renamed (if needed) to the wiki in a minute or two. And then onto the proper pages quickly by a copy and paste between two browser window.

I don't want to belabor the point, but after uploading and placing about 5 thousand photos so far, I know it is easy to get burned out. And if you can turn a 8-10 min job into 1 min, it is advisable.