Hyophorbe indica

I have several seedlings of both forms of Hyophorbe indica. The more common, green form is endemic to the east coast of Reunion, whilst the rarer, red version is from the south west/central region. They are slow to start, but gain speed very quickly. From my own experience, the red form is by no means a sensitive palm to grow. In fact, mine looked pitiful for many months with brown leaves and soft stems, but come summer, they decided to straighten up and are now pushing a healthy, new leaf. The green form is a faster grower, but not nearly as pretty.
The indicas are hard to get established in my part of Florida. It has taken me ten years and about four plants to get a good looking juvenile established. It is a green form. I haven't put much priority in trying the reds here. I have a pretty full plate at the moment. The other two species do well here.


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I planted three small 5 gals about three years ago and haven't done much but throw a little fertilizer on them. They now have about 1 foot of trunk and look great. So they like it here. I'll try and get some pics. I think I also have some pics when I first planted them.