Growing for the October meeting!


Well-Known Member
Can't wait for you guys to see our garden up close and personal. Here's the inventory I'm growing for the meeting. Jeff, I hope you'll be here with your auctioneer's prowess.

On the mistbed:

A couple of Geduldig, lots of what I'm calling Big Red, 3 gallon cans of Pinocchio - 5 plants in each, and one Piecrust.

Already in cans:

3 yellow Petra in three-gallon cans (Hey, if you're a collector, you gotta have one of every variety!), a Yellow Excurrans, and in a 7-gallon can, Richard Krukonis with five limbs. This one was on our patio for years and started to decline. I moved it off the patio and into a seven last Fall. Originally taken from the specimen behind Sears in Pompano Beach.
I definitely plan on coming, even though it's still a long way off.

You say you found a Richard Krukonis growing at a mall in Pompano? That sounds a little hard to believe, because of how rare it is. The closest one that looks like RK, is President Reagan.

When everyone comes over, we can all take a look and determine what it is.
