Foliage by Amy Lorraine 20 (Unknown 05)


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This is Buddy.

I’ve been enjoying your fotos of “Foliage by Amy Lorraine” collection/purchase…very impressive! They must have cost you a mini-fortune… none-the-less a beautiful array of CROTONS.

What in the world is an “Amy Lorraine”…a person, nursery or other?

I saw your fotos of Buddy #20 as identified by “fawnridge”. I went to my files and came up with a few fotos that may be of interest to you and perhaps the Croton Society membership depicting how some Costa Rican landscapers and/or gardeners use Buddy in their gardens.

1) One of Rags original Buddy pix
2) A small grouping
3) Nicely grown example
4) Circular multi-grouping in a recently planted park


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Fotos 5, 6 and 7: A large home displaying several Buddy groupings along the full length of its street-side stone wall and curb.

Fotos 8, 9 and 10: A gated community entrance with two beautifully designed planters featuring Buddy arrangements. Note: Are those PETRAS mixed in with base of the grouping by mistake in foto #10?


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Thank You very much for the words of encouragement...... now this means I gotta grab my camera and start snapping away... lots more to go :)

Amy Lorraine :D...... I just love this name..... :p

Stay Tuned for more by Amy Lorraine.....