Davis #10


Well-Known Member
I got this as Davis #10 a few years ago, I believe from Marie. I don't see it in the WIKI. Is anyone else growing this? It has some
fairly large leaves.
Beautiful plant, Randy. Love the pinks. I didn't even know there was a Davis #10. If someone else has it and we can confirm it, I'd love to put it in the wiki.

So Tim, are you saying you've heard Inca and DAvis 14 are synonymous? I remember Mike saying he had trouble seeing the difference between the two. What have you heard?
Well, that's strange, because I have been growing Davis #10 for several years now and it's a mustard yellow and green leaf. This was the name Bob Alonzo gave it.

The plant above does resemble Inca though.
Randy, if you got it from me it would be Davis 14 or Inca. I have both and do not know if they are the same or just both Davis hybrids.