Crotons That Dare To Be Different


Esteemed Member
Scott, what is the name of the first one? Revolution? Revolutions? I’ve got this one from the neighbor, and she got it from the Lowe’s sale table… It lost most of its leaves after I planted it but I hope it will recover…

Last weekend I bought another one in Oldsmar Flea Market. Should I keep it in the pot?? Will it freeze??

I also bought a Mango :) I intend to put it in full sun, thank you!:)
Would you like to see the pictures of your NOID? I've just moved it to full sun too...
Pix, The first one is Revolutions and handles the cooler temps when they come well, if a hard freeze or frost is forecast it will need to be covered. I have mine under canopy so I do not worry about a frost threat. How is the new nursery at the Flea Market? I went by the old nursery the last weekend they were open, but nothing that fancied me was left. I guess I need to check out the new one.
I went there to frame the pictures that I brought from Europe. The nursery is on the back (line G, I think) but they are moving to where the old nursery was. I go there next weekend again to buy a Curly Boy since I found that it is a full sun croton. They had about 10 varieties last time, 4 of which I didn’t have. Someone from the ex-Croton Society is advising them.
Here is my new Mango and Revolutions:)


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I went there to frame the pictures that I brought from Europe. The nursery is on the back (line G, I think) but they are moving to where the old nursery was. I go there next weekend again to buy a Curly Boy since I found that it is a full sun croton. They had about 10 varieties last time, 4 of which I didn’t have. Someone from the ex-Croton Society is advising them.
Here is my new Mango and Revolutions:)
Thanks! I will stop by and check it out today when I go to Lowes.