I just got my shipment from Jeff Marcus!
Tremendous! Condition, size, attention to packing are all the best!
Here are the steps I made to repot the bare root shipment:
1) Carefully unwrap after removing from the packing material, in this case shredded newspaper. Avoid trying to put the newspaper back together and attempt to read; there will be an online version somewhere. Read later.
2) Carefully (i'm going to stop saying carefully, as each step is carefully done) unwind the masking tape wrap. Unwrap the foil over something that will catch the peat moss (2 reasons).
3) These 24 plants were 1 gallon (very large for 1 gallon plants. Thanks, Jeff!) and I upsized to 2 gallon pots using Supersoil Palm and Cactus mix. There is no way that I was going to try to repot them into 1 gallon pots. I should have made a mix in bulk and had it delivered or put it in the back of the truck. however, my HD contact gives me contractor rates, so it wasn't that bad.
4) After the plants were potted in their new soil, they were mulched with the sphagnum moss and miscellaneous lava rock pebbles that came off the packing. No mess, and reuse of some of the packing material.
5) After a week or so in their current spot, I will move them to different areas of my garden to see how they do in different conditions.
Note the middle 2 photos showing some small 'windows' in the leaflets......hmm.....
The results are pleasing to me. See the photos below. Now if they will survive my winters, I'll be extremely pleased. This is the big project to determine if they may end up being commercially viable in my area. I certainly hope so, as they are great looking even as seedlings.
Some of these will be distributed to people in my area. Detailed growing records will be made in order to determine this viability.
If you live in Northern California, please contact me if you are interested in participating. One of these will be donated to the NorCal Palmetum.