21st Annual Fall Searle Plant Extravaganza!


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I have a Croton question for any that may know,

Is the correct spelling of the cultivar 'McAdoo' as is, or is it 'Marion McAdoo'? I checked the Encyclopedia and it has only the first form. I am working on the Croton list for the upcoming 'Ganza and Jeff wrote it down as 'Marion McAdoo' but was not entirely sure. I will put down both forms for now until I find more info.

Plant list...

I have the first draft of the Croton list available for viewing. At present, it contains 152 cultivars. A few are new and the list is about 98% complete. There is a lot of extra time left between now and the sale so more cultivars may get pulled.

Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc. &
The Rainforest Collection ®

The 21st Annual Fall ‘Ganza
October 4th, 5th, 6th, – 11th, 12th, 13th - 2019

Croton List

9-17-19 Draft: 152 cultivars

Common Name
American Made
Baron Le Compté
BH #3
Captain Gilbert Cutler
Caribbean Star
Carlo Scarpa
Catherine Gephart
Charles Rutherford
Class Act
Claude Lorraine
Colonel Bob Bullock
Compté de Castelaine
Compté de Germiny
Coral Shower
Cutlers Gulfstream
Daisy Ortega
Daisy's Pride
Davis #10
Davis #7
Davis Compacta
Dr. Lin Yu Tang
Dreer #6
Duncan Macaw
Ethel Craig, 'Sport'
Father's Day
Florida Sunset R.K.
Florida Sunshine
Franklin Roosevelt
Fred Sanders
Geisha Girl
General MacArthur
General Marshall
Go Reds
Green & Gold
Heat Wave
High Energy
Hot & Steamy
Joe Friday
Jungle Queen
Key Lime
Kiss & Tell
Lady Claire
Lord Bellhaven
Louis Dupuy
Lover's Night
Lucile Alonzo
Madame Butterfly
Madame Fernand Kohl
Major Dade
Major Stewart
Maximum (Bender #2)
McAdoo (Marion McAdoo)
Mike Fascell
Mother's Day
Mrs. Snyder Disraili
Norman Rockwell
Ortega's Hybrid
Pink Davis
Pop's Yard
President Reagan
Pride of Naples
Pride of Winter Haven
Prince of Orange
Prince Phillip
Princess Eugenia
Queen Elizabeth
Raphael, 'Blotched'
Red Excurrens
Red Quill
Richard Krukonis
Royal Flush
Rubens, 'Blotched'
Rudy Bachman
Seminole Pride
Show Girl
Son of Joe Friday
Sunny Star
Sweet Looking
Sweet Marie
The Clown
Thomas Edison
Thomas Hitchcock
Tiger Eye
Tortoise Shell
Twist & Point
Unknown (?) from Peru
Unknown (?) from Yard
Van Buren
Victor Lemoine
Victoria Gold Bells
W. F. Dreer
West Wall
White Ann Rutherford
Wild Dreams
W o o ton Beauty
Yellow Duncan Macaw
Yellow Mammey
Yellow Mrs. Iceton
Yellow Petra

Searle Brothers Nursery Inc. &
The Rainforest Collection ®

The 21st Annual Fall ‘Ganza
October 4th, 5th, 6th, - 11th, 12th, 13th - 2019

Palm & Cycad List

Draft – 9/18/19 – 308 Species

Genus Species Sizes
Acanthophoenix crinita #7
Actinokentia divaricata #3
Adonidia merrillii et al.
Adonidia merrillii var. 'variegated' #3, #15
Aiphanes aculeata = horrida
Aiphanes caryotifolia = horrida
Aiphanes erosa = minima
Aiphanes horrida #3
Aiphanes minima #3
Aiphanes vincentiana = minima
Allagoptera caudescens #3
Allagoptera leucocalyx #15
Archontophoenix purpurea #1
Areca alba = catechu cv. alba
Areca catechu #3, #7, #10double
Areca catechu cv. alba #7
Areca catechu var. 'Dwarf' #3, #65
Areca catechu var. 'Semi Dwarf' #15
Areca concinna #7a, #7b
Areca guppyana = novohibernica
Areca ipot #1, #3
Areca latiloba = montana
Areca macrocalyx var. 'Mariae' #1, #3, #7
Areca montana #1, #7
Areca novohibernica #1, #7
Areca oxycarpa #1, #7
Areca vestiaria #1, #7, #25
Areca vestiaria var. 'Maroon Leaf' #7
Arenga caudata #1
Arenga hookeriana #3
Asterogyne martiana #1
Astrocaryum aculeatissimum #7
Astrocaryum vulgare #1
Attalea butyracea #1
Attalea cohune #15
Basselinia pancheri #7
Beccariophoenix alfredii #3
Beccariophoenix madagascariensis #1
Beccariophoenix sp. 'Coastal Form' = madagascariensis
Beccariophoenix sp. 'High Plateau' = alfredii
Beccariophoenix sp. 'No Windows' = madagascariensis
Borassodendron machadonis #1, #7
Borassus aethiopum #7
Brassiophoenix drymophloeoides #7
Burretiokentia dumasii #1
Burretiokentia hapala #10, #25
Burretiokentia vieillardii #1, #7
Calyptrocalyx albertisianus #1
Calyptrocalyx archiboldianus = lauterbachianus
Calyptrocalyx elegans var. 'Mara' #1, #3
Calyptrocalyx forbesii #3
Calyptrocalyx hollrungii #1, #7
Calyptrocalyx lauterbachianus #7
Calyptrocalyx laxiflorus #1
Calyptrocalyx multifidus #1
Calyptrocalyx pachystachys #3
Calyptrocalyx polyphyllus #1, #3
Calyptrocalyx sp. 'Boalak' #3
Calyptrocalyx sp. 'Mara' = Calyptrocalyx elegans var. 'Mara'
Calyptrocalyx sp. 'Sanumb' #3, #7
Calyptrocalyx sp. 'South Nauru Island' #3
Calyptrocalyx sp. 'Yamu-Tumune' = yamutumene
Calyptrocalyx spicatus #1, #15
Calyptrocalyx yamutumene #7
Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana #7
Calyptrogyne sarapiquensis = ghiesbreghtiana
Carpoxylon macrospermum #1, #3, #7, #25
Chamaedorea arenbergiana #3
Chamaedorea deckeriana #3
Chamaedorea ernesti-augustii #3
Chamaedorea erumpens = seifrizii
Chamaedorea geonomiformis #1
Chamaedorea glaucifolia #7
Chamaedorea hooperiana #7
Chamaedorea klotzschiana #3
Chamaedorea metallica #7
Chamaedorea schippii #1
Chamaedorea seifrizii #3, #7
Chamaedorea tenella = geonomiformis
Chambeyronia macrocarpa #1, #7m
Chambeyronia macrocarpa var. hookeri #7, #15
Chelyocarpus chuco #7
Chuniophoenix hainanensis #3, #7
Chuniophoenix humilis = nana
Chuniophoenix nana #3, #7
Clinostigma ponapense #15
Clinostigma savoryanum #3
Coccothrinax argentea #10
Coccothrinax borhidiana #3
Coccothrinax clarensis #1
Coccothrinax crinita #7
Coccothrinax crinita subsp. brevicrinis #3, #25
Coccothrinax littoralis #10
Coccothrinax macroglossa #7
Coccothrinax moaensis #1
Coccothrinax montana #3
Coccothrinax saxicola #3
Coccothrinax scoparia #7
Coccothrinax sp. 'Azul' = macroglossa
Cocos nucifera cv. 'Malayan Green' et al.
Cocos nucifera cv. 'Red Dwarf Spicata' #10
Copernicia baileyana #1, #7
Copernicia baileyana var. 'Silver' #7
Copernicia berteroana #20
Copernicia ekmanii #65
Copernicia fallaensis #25
Copernicia gigas #7
Copernicia hospita #3
Copernicia macroglossa #7
Copernicia prunifera #7
Copernicia rigida #25
Copernicia yarey #1
Copernicia yarey × 'Hybrid' #15
Corypha lecomtei #7
Corypha umbraculifera #45
Corypha utan #1
Cryosophila williamsii #7
Cycas revoluta #7
Cyphophoenix alba #3, #7
Cyphophoenix elegans #7, #15
Cyphophoenix nucele #25
Cyphosperma balansae #1
Cyphosperma naboutinense #15
Cyphosperma trichospadix #3
Cyrtostachys loriae #3, #7, #15
Cyrtostachys renda #1, #3, #7, #15
Cyrtostachys sp. 'Hybrid' #7, #25
Deckenia nobilis #1
Dictyosperma album #15
Dioon spinulosum #7
Drymophloeus oliviformis #10
Dypsis ambositrae #1
Dypsis ampasindavae #1
Dypsis arenarum #3
Dypsis baronii #3
Dypsis basilonga #3, #15
Dypsis cabadae #1, #45
Dypsis carlsmithii #25
Dypsis dransfieldii #1
Dypsis forficifolia #1
Dypsis heteromorpha #7
Dypsis hovomantsina #3
Dypsis leptocheilos et al.
Dypsis lutescens et al.
Dypsis malcomberi #1
Dypsis mananjarensis #3
Dypsis marojejyi #1
Dypsis nauseosa #3
Dypsis ovobontsira #7
Dypsis pembana #3, #7, #15a, #15b
Dypsis pembana 'hybrid' #3
Dypsis pembana var. 'Solitary' #15
Dypsis plumosa 4in
Dypsis psammophila #3
Dypsis pusilla #7
Dypsis rosea #3
Dypsis saintelucei #3
Dypsis sp. 'Baby Red Stems' #1
Dypsis sp. 'Fine Leaf' = plumosa
Dypsis sp. 'Lafazamanga' #1
Dypsis sp. 'Pink Crown' = rosea
Dypsis utilis #7
Euterpe sp. 'Orange Crownshaft' #3
Gaussia maya #3
Geonoma sp. 'Entire Leaf' #1
Gronophyllum pinangoides = Hydriastele pinangoides
Gulubia longispatha = Hydriastele longispatha
Hemithrinax ekmaniana #1, #3
Heterospathe brevicaulis #7, #15
Heterospathe cagayanensis #3, #7
Heterospathe delicatula #1
Heterospathe elata #7
Heterospathe longipes #3, #7
Heterospathe philippinensis #1
Hydriastele affinis = pinangoides
Hydriastele beguinii #3
Hydriastele beguinii var. 'Obi Island Form' #1, #3, #7, #15
Hydriastele dransfieldii #1, #25
Hydriastele kasesa #7
Hydriastele longispatha #7
Hydriastele pinangoides #3, #7
Hydriastele sp. 'Highland P.N.G.' #7
Hyophorbe indica #3
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis et al.
Hyophorbe verschaffeltii et al.
Hyphaene coriacea #65
Iguanura wallichiana var. major #3
Iriartea deltoidea #1
Itaya amicorum #3, #7
Johannesteijsmannia altifrons #1
Johannesteijsmannia perakensis #3
Kentiopsis magnifica #7
Kentiopsis oliviformis #1, #25
Kentiopsis pyriformis #1, #10, #25
Kerriodoxa elegans #1, #3, #10
Lanonia acaulis #1, #3
Lanonia centralis #1
Lanonia dasyantha #1, #7
Latania loddigesii #7
Lemurophoenix halleuxii #1
Licuala dasyantha = Lanonia dasyantha
Licuala distans #7
Licuala dransfieldii = ridleyana
Licuala fordiana #7
Licuala grandis #1, #3, #7, #15
Licuala montana #3
Licuala naumannii #1
Licuala paludosa #3, #7
Licuala parviflora #3
Licuala peekelii #3
Licuala peltata #1, #3, #7
Licuala peltata var. sumawongii #1, #7
Licuala poonsakii var. 'Ratee' #7
Licuala ridleyana #7
Licuala rumphii #7
Licuala sp. 'Fairchild Garden' #1
Licuala sp. 'Yal Bral' = Lanonia acaulis
Licuala spinosa #15
Licuala terengganuensis #1
Livistona rigida #3
Livistona robinsoniana = Saribus rotundifolius
Livistona rotundifolia = Saribus rotundifolius
Livistona rotundifolia var. luzonensis = S. rotundifolius
Loxococcus rupicola #3, #7
Lytocaryum hoehnei = Syagrus hoehnei
Lytocaryum weddellianum = Syagrus weddelliana
Mauritia flexuosa #7, #25
Metroxylon vitiense #25
Neoveitchia storckii #7, #25
Normanbya normanbyi #1
Oenocarpus mapora #1
Orania decipiens var. montana = palindan
Orania palindan #1a, #1b, #7
Orania sylvicola #3
Orania trispatha #1
Oraniopsis appendiculata #7
Pelagodoxa henryana #7, #15
Phoenicophorium borsigianum #15
Phoenix roebelenii et al.
Pinanga adangensis #7
Pinanga coronata #15
Pinanga coronata var. 'blunt, thin leaflet form' #15
Pinanga elmeri = philippinensis
Pinanga fractiflexa* #7
Pinanga javana #1
Pinanga philippinensis #3
Pinanga sp. 'kanchanaburiensis' #1
Pinanga sp. 'Thai Mottled' #7
Pinanga speciosa #3
Polyandrococos caudescens = Allagoptera caudescens
Ponapea ledermanniana #1
Pritchardia affinis = maideniana
Pritchardia beccariana #25
Pritchardia hillebrandii #1, #3
Pritchardia maideniana #7
Pritchardia martii #3
Pritchardia sp. #25
Pritchardia vuylstekeana #3
Pseudophoenix sargentii #7
Pseudophoenix vinifera #10
Ptychococcus lepidotus #7
Ptychosperma caryotoides #7
Ptychosperma cuneatum #1, #3, #7, #15
Ptychosperma elegans et al.
Ptychosperma furcatum #7
Ptychosperma ledermannianum = Ponapea
Ptychosperma macarthurii et al.
Ptychosperma pullenii #7
Ptychosperma schefferi #7, #15
Ptychosperma sp. 'Wotoboho' #1, #3
Ptychosperma waitianum #1, #7
Raphia sudanica #15
Ravenea dransfieldii #15
Ravenea glauca #15
Ravenea sambiranensis #1
Reinhardtia latisecta #3
Reinhardtia latisecta var. 'Compacta' #1
Rhapidophyllum hystrix #1, #7
Rhapis excelsa #3
Rhapis excelsa cv. 'variegated' #3a, #3b
Rhapis excelsa cv. nana 'Super Dwarf' #2
Rhapis humilis #7
Rhapis laosensis #3, #10
Rhapis multifida = humilis #7
Roscheria melanochaetes #7
Salacca magnifica #7
Salacca wallichiana #3
Saribus rotundifolius #1, #3
Satakentia liukiuensis #25
Serenoa repens var. 'Silver Form' #1
Siphokentia beguinii = Hydriastele beguinii
Siphokentia dransfieldii = Hydriastele dransfieldii
Syagrus hoehnei #3
Syagrus ruschiana #3
Syagrus weddelliana #1, #7
Thrinax radiata #3
Trachycarpus takil #3
Veitchia arecina et al.
Veitchia metiti 4in
Veitchia montgomeryana = arecina
Veitchia sp. = arecina
Verschaffeltia splendida #1, #3, #7, #10, #15
Wodyetia bifurcata et al.
Zamia inermis #7
Zamia skinneri #3
Zamia standleyi #3
Zamia variegata #1
Zombia antillarum #3, #20

Plant list update...

I have additions to the Palm & Cycad list. Some are new sizes, but most are new species.

Palm & Cycad list additions:

Additions: 9-19-19

Areca recurvata = montana
Areca montana 4in
Pinanga insignis 4in
Areca tunku 4in
Licuala sallehana #1
Nephrosperma vanhoutteanum #7
Satakentia liukiuensis #7
Ravenea rivularis #7
Caryota mitis #7
Copernicia cowellii #5
Dioon mejiae #7
Dypsis rosea #1
Iguanura speciosa #1
Calyptrocalyx pachystachys #1
Rhopaloblaste elegans #1
Calyptrocalyx sp. 'Kainlas' #1
Chamaedorea woodsoniana #1
Dypsis robusta #1
Prestoea montana = acuminata var. montana
Prestoea acuminata var. montana #1
Dypsis forficifolia 4in
Heterospathe ceramica 4in
Chamaedorea oblongata 2in

The Palm & Cycad list is now up to a second draft, including the additions posted above.

Draft 2 - 9/19/19 - about 326 species

I have attached an updated (.pdf) of the list.



  • ExpFile_PalmCycadF19.pdf
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Plant list update...

I have a small group of additions to the Palm & Cycad list. Not sure on a lot of the sizes as of yet, but when I find out I will update the list.

Palm & Cycad list additions:

Additions: 9-25-19

Pogonotium ursinum #1
Areca caliso #7
Manjekia maturbongsii #(?)
Iguanura piahensis #(?)
Sabinaria magnifica #(?)
Cyrtostachys renda var. 'Yellow Form' #(?)
Cyrtostachys renda cv. 'Theodora Buhler' #(?)
Cyrtostachys renda var. 'Variegated' #(?)
Licuala spicata #(?)
Licuala orbicularis #(?)
Zamia tolimensis #(?)
Thrinax parviflora var. 'Curly Leaf' #1

A third draft of the Palm & Cycad list now exists, including that small group of add-ons above,

Draft 3 - 9/26/19 - about 338 species

As expected, a (.pdf) version of the newest draft is included here.



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Plant list update...

The Monday before the sale had a lot of surprises hidden in the plant selection. Most of these additions are new sizes instead of species with a couple name changes.

Palm & Cycad List additions:

Additions 9-30-19

Clinostigma samoense #15
Elaeis guineensis #7
Archontophoenix purpurea #20
Bismarckia nobilis et al.
Calyptrocalyx polyphyllus #7
Carpoxylon macrospermum #95
Dypsis fibrosa #3
Dypsis arenarum #7
Dypsis lastelliana #7
Euterpe oleracea #3
Hydriastele rostrata = wendlandiana
Hydriastele wendlandiana #7
Lepidozamia peroffskyana #7
Licuala mattanensis 'Mapu' 4in
Pritchardia vuylstekeana #7
Salacca zalacca #3
Satakentia liukiuensis #1
Veillonia alba = Cyphophoenix alba
Rhapis humilis x laoensis 'Alicia' #7

A fourth draft of the Palm & Cycad list now exists, including that small group of add-ons and changes above,

Draft 4 - 9/30/19 - about 350 species

As expected, a (.pdf) version of the newest draft is included here.



  • ExpFile_PalmCycadF19.pdf
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I have the last draft which will more than likely be the final version of the Palm & Cycad list. It includes a few more add-ons and changes from the list above. There could be one or more last minute additions, plus possible new sizes.

Final version - 10/2/19 - 353 taxa at present

I didn't post it, just adding it as a (.pdf) version.



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