20th Annual Spring Searle Plant Extravaganza! -●●●- March 2nd, 3rd, 4th – 9th, 10th, 11th - 2018


Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc. &
The Rainforest Collection ®


The 20th Annual Spring
Plant Extravaganza!

March 2nd, 3rd, 4th - 9th, 10th, 11th 2018

As reminders of Hurricane Irma remain throughout South Florida, the plant world surges forth to replant, add and grow on. Those with plants in heart and mind do so with both the new species we discover and the tried-and-true plants we rely upon. Last years fall plant sale season was close in time to Irma's impact, thus leaving the upcoming Spring season to supply the material needed to fill that hole in the yard, the spot in the garden and the loss in the collection. In addition to storm related plantings, Springtime in S. Florida is always a great time to dive into dirt with plant in hand. Although we tend to install material year-round in the southern end of the state, the Spring is always at the forefront. It's not too hot or humid to work in the yard, and the regular thunderstorms have yet to arrive. The cold extremes experienced during the winter could have been better, but they could have just as easily been worse. I had a few nights and early mornings in the mid 30's early in January. I had no cold damage among the tender specimens that I use as tell-tale plants. The nursery has been getting ready for the Spring 'Ganza for over a month and the plant material is primed for display. I am sure the atmosphere will be heightened to include talk on everything going on the plant world, including the upcoming Biennial in Colombia.

The Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganzas have become exciting plant sales and a great way for IPS Members, Forum Members and fellow tropical palm & plant enthusiasts to come together and meet in the South Florida area. The events have always been a great way to spend a weekend in the company of those who share your passion for gardening and collecting tropical ornamental plants. To describe the events as just mere plant sales would be an understatement; as they have become much more in the form of social events for our friends and family. Forum members, friends and fellow plant collectors have all come from far and wide to attend and we are continuously surprised in the distances they will cover to share in the event. In regards to the following details, I have tried to include as much information about the upcoming Spring 'Ganza as I could. If you see something that you know should be included and it is missing, please post the idea(s) here or contact me, Jeff Searle or the nursery with the methods listed below and let us know...

South Florida Location:
Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc.
6640 SW 172nd Avenue
Southwest Ranches, Florida 33331
Western Broward County
*see Map below...

Spring 2018 Schedule:
Friday, March 2nd - 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday, March 3rd - 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Sunday, March 4th - 9:00AM - 4:00PM

also the following weekend...
Friday, March 9th - 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday, March 10th - 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Sunday, March 11th - 9:00AM - 4:00PM

Barbecue Lunch:
Our Famous Weekend Free BBQ Lunch
First Weekend: (Saturday 11:00AM - 2:00PM) & (Sunday, 11:00AM - 2:00PM) (or until supplies last)

Contact List:
Nursery Office #: (954) 434-7681
Nursery Fax #: (954) 680-2750
Nursery Website: http://www.rainforestcollection.com/

Jeff Searle: phone #: (954) 658-4317 Email: palms@rainforestcollection.com
Ryan (Palmarum) Email: palmthetree@yahoo.com or PM me a message through the Forum

The map below is a general street map of western Broward County, Florida showing the location of the nursery (Palm tree symbol). Using Sheridan Street would be the best option to get to the nursery if you are heading west through the area. If you are taking the Florida Turnpike, use the Griffin Road exit from the north, or the Pines Blvd. exit from the south. If you need any additional directions, please contact the nursery, Jeff or I (Ryan). When you get close to the nursery, look for large power lines as they run east and west above the nursery. Parking is along the shoulder of 172nd Avenue in front of, and down the street from, the nursery entrance. If you intend to arrive early before sunrise (and many usually do) be wary of hard-to-see speed bumps along 172nd Avenue and there is a possibility of a speed trap as well. The has been considerable construction along I-75 so the exits near Sheridan Street and Griffin Road have been changed slightly. I-75 is in the process of adding a set of express lanes, but they are not quite finished, including a possible exit/entrance near Sheridan Street.


Plant Availability, Photo Requests:

For plant availability including a copy of the ever-growing list of palms, cycads and other information regarding which plants and species will be for sale, please contact the nursery, Jeff Searle or I (Ryan). The plant selection process has already begun and will continue right up to the last day before the first morning of the Extravaganza, (sometimes even on the mornings of the event if the need applies.) The sale lists for palms, cycads and crotons will be made available as soon as they are completed. Special selections might be pulled for sale as requests, but only if the plants are available. There will be certain species, varieties and cultivars that will only be available in limited quantities. These rarer plants will likely sell out quickly in the morning hours, so be sure to arrange your wish list accordingly. Plant groups may have been moved around the sales area, relocated, or added in with others. In order to speed your way to your favorite plants please ask a nearby staff member or volunteer as to their location.

Like with previous events, I will be able to provide preview photos of the actual plants for sale. They will be posted in this topic for those who are interested. Send me a message or an email with the names of the plants you would like to see. Sale booklets or sale lists will be made available at the Extravaganza. They will include the list of palms, cycads and crotons for sale. Brochure holders along the main shade house sidewalk will have the booklets/sale lists on display. As soon as I have a basic draft list of species and varieties for sale, I will be able to email or PM it to anyone who would want a copy. Each plant will be priced with either a lavender tag or will have the price written on the pot.




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Searle Brothers Nursery Inc. &
The Rainforest Collection ®

The 20th Annual Spring ‘Ganza
March 2nd, 3rd, 4th, – 9th, 10th, 11th, 2018

Palm & Cycad List

Genus Species Sizes
Acanthophoenix rubra #1
Actinokentia divaricata #7
Adonidia merrillii #15
Allagoptera leucocalyx #15
Alsmithia longipes = Heterospathe longipes
Archontophoenix purpurea #1
Areca alba = catechu cv. alba
Areca caliso #7
Areca catechu #7, #10
Areca catechu cv. alba #3, #10
Areca catechu var. 'Dwarf' #20
Areca catechu var. 'Semi Dwarf' #7
Areca concinna #3
Areca latiloba = montana
Areca macrocalyx var. 'Marie' #7
Areca montana #7
Areca oxycarpa #1, #3
Areca triandra #3
Areca vestiaria #3, #7, #15
Areca vestiaria var. 'Maroon Leaf' #3
Arenga pinnata #7a, #7b, #20
Arenga tremula #7
Asterogyne martiana #1
Astrocaryum alatum #7
Astrocaryum faranae #3
Attalea cohune #3
Balaka longirostris #3
Balaka microcarpa #3
Balaka seemannii #3, #7
Basselinia eriostachys var. 'Drip Tip' #1
Basselinia pancheri #7
Beccariophoenix alfredii #1
Beccariophoenix fenestralis #1, #3, #10
Beccariophoenix madagascariensis #20
Beccariophoenix madagascariensis (old) = fenestralis
Beccariophoenix sp. 'Coastal Form' = madagascariensis
Beccariophoenix sp. 'No Windows' = madagascariensis
Beccariophoenix sp. 'Windows' = fenestralis
Bentinckia condapanna #1, #3
Brahea armata #7
Brahea clara = armata
Brassiophoenix drymophloeoides #7a, #7b
Burretiokentia dumasii #1
Burretiokentia grandiflora #1
Burretiokentia hapala #20
Burretiokentia vieillardii #7
Calyptrocalyx albertisianus #10
Calyptrocalyx awa #3, #7
Calyptrocalyx pachystachys #1
Calyptrocalyx polyphyllus #1, #7
Calyptrocalyx sp. 'Kal Keiyik' #15
Calyptrocalyx sp. 'Sanumb' #3
Calyptrocalyx sp. 'Yamu-Tumune' = yamutumene
Calyptrocalyx spicatus #10
Calyptrocalyx yamutumene #3
Calyptrogyne costatifrons subsp.
occidentalis #1, #3
Carpoxylon macrospermum #1, #3, #10
Caryota gigas = obtusa
Caryota kiriwongensis #10
Caryota mitis #7
Caryota obtusa #1
Chamaedorea adscendens #1
Chamaedorea alternans #1
Chamaedorea brachypoda #10
Chamaedorea deckeriana #1. #3
Chamaedorea ernesti-augustii #3
Chamaedorea erumpens = seifrizii
Chamaedorea hooperiana #7
Chamaedorea klotzschiana #1
Chamaedorea metallica #1a, #1b
Chamaedorea plumosa #3
Chamaedorea seifrizii #3, #7
Chamaedorea tepejilote #1
Chamaedorea woodsoniana #3
Chamaerops humilis var. argentea #3
Chamaerops humilis var. cerifera =
humilis var. argentea
Chambeyronia macrocarpa #1, #10
Chuniophoenix nana #1, #7
Clinostigma ponapense #3
Clinostigma samoense #7
Coccothrinax alexandri #25
Coccothrinax argentea #10
Coccothrinax borhidiana #1, #7
Coccothrinax clarensis #1
Coccothrinax crinita #7
Coccothrinax fragrans #7
Coccothrinax miraguama #7
Coccothrinax moaensis #1
Coccothrinax montana #20
Coccothrinax sp. 'Azul' #10
Coccothrinax spissa #15
Coccothrinax × 'Borhidi Hybrid' #15
Copernicia baileyana #3
Copernicia ekmanii #45
Copernicia fallaensis #15
Copernicia glabrescens #7
Copernicia hospita #1
Copernicia macroglossa #7
Copernicia yarey #3
Corypha umbraculifera #7
Corypha utan #1
Cyphophoenix alba #3
Cyphophoenix elegans #1, #3, #7
Cyphophoenix nucele #1, #20, #25
Cyphosperma naboutinense #1
Cyphosperma trichospadix #7
Cyrtostachys loriae #1, #7
Cyrtostachys renda #7, #10
Cyrtostachys sp. 'Hybrid' #20
Dictyosperma album var. conjugatum #20
Drymophloeus oliviformis #10
Drymophloeus sp. 'Patipi', 'Irian Jaya' #3
Dypsis albofarinosa #7
Dypsis ambositrae #1
Dypsis arenarum #3, #7
Dypsis basilonga #1, #7
Dypsis carlsmithii #3, #20
Dypsis concinna #1
Dypsis fibrosa #1
Dypsis heteromorpha #1, #3
Dypsis hovomantsina #1
Dypsis lastelliana #7, #10
Dypsis leucomalla #1
Dypsis madagascariensis #7
Dypsis mananjarensis #15
Dypsis mirabilis #1, #3
Dypsis nauseosa #1, #3
Dypsis onilahensis var. 'Weepy Form' #7a, #7b
Dypsis pembana #10
Dypsis pilulifera #1, #3
Dypsis pinnatifrons #1
Dypsis prestoniana #3
Dypsis robusta #7, #15
Dypsis saintelucei #1, #7
Dypsis scottiana #3
Dypsis sp. 'Bejoufa' #1
Dypsis sp. 'Jurassic Park' = pilulifera
Euterpe oleracea #10
Euterpe precatoria var. 'Variegated' #1
Euterpe sp. 'Orange Crownshaft' #1
Gaussia maya #1
Gronophyllum microcarpum = Hydriastele microcarpa
Gronophyllum pinangoides = Hydriastele pinangoides
Gronophyllum sp. aff. pleurocarpum = Hydriastele pleurocarpa
Hemithrinax ekmaniana #1
Heterospathe brevicaulis #7
Heterospathe cagayanensis #3
Heterospathe delicatula #1
Heterospathe longipes #7
Heterospathe minor #10
Howea belmoreana #3
Hydriastele beguinii #1
Hydriastele dransfieldii #10, #20
Hydriastele kasesa #3, #7, #15
Hydriastele longispatha #10
Hydriastele microcarpa #15
Hydriastele pinangoides #1
Hydriastele pleurocarpa #3
Hydriastele sp. 'Highland P.N.G.' #7
Hyophorbe indica #7
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis #7
Hyophorbe verschaffeltii #3
Itaya amicorum #1
Johannesteijsmannia altifrons #3
Johannesteijsmannia magnifica #1
Kentiopsis magnifica #3
Kentiopsis oliviformis #20
Kentiopsis pyriformis #20
Kerriodoxa elegans #3, #7, #10
Lanonia centralis 2in
Lanonia dasyantha #7
Latania verschaffeltii #7
Lemurophoenix halleuxii #3
Lepidozamia peroffskyana #7
Licuala cabalionii #15
Licuala concinna #3
Licuala distans #3
Licuala fordiana #7
Licuala grandis #3, #7, #15
Licuala lauterbachii #10
Licuala naumannii #1
Licuala paludosa #3
Licuala paludosa var. aurantiaca #7
Licuala parviflora #3
Licuala peekelii #1, #3, #7, #15
Licuala peltata #1, #3
Licuala peltata var. sumawongii #1, #3, #7
Licuala poonsakii var. 'Ratee' #7
Licuala rumphii #10
Licuala sallehana #1
Licuala sp. 'Fairchild Garden' #1
Licuala sp. 'Yal Bral' #3
Licuala spinosa #1, #15
Livistona rigida #1
Livistona rotundifolia = Saribus rotundifolius
Loxococcus rupicola #3
Lytocaryum weddellianum = Syagrus weddelliana
Marojejya darianii #1, #3
Mauritia flexuosa #3, #7a, #7b
Neoveitchia storckii #20
Nephrosperma van-houtteanum #3
Normanbya normanbyi #1
Oenocarpus mapora #1
Orania decipiens var. montana #1
Orania palindan #1
Orania sylvicola #1, #7
Oraniopsis appendiculata #1
Phoenicophorium borsigianum #7
Phoenix sylvestris FG
Pinanga adangensis #1, #10
Pinanga coronata #15
Pinanga crassipes #3
Pinanga fractiflexa* #3
Pinanga javana #1
Pinanga scortechinii #7
Pinanga sp. 'kanchanaburiensis' #1
Pinanga sp. 'Thai Mottled' #3
Ponapea ledermanniana #3
Pritchardia affinis = maideniana
Pritchardia hillebrandii #3
Pritchardia kaalae #7
Pritchardia kaalae var. minima = kaalae
Pritchardia loweryana #1
Pritchardia maideniana #15
Pritchardia martii #1
Pritchardia pacifica #20
Pritchardia remota #20
Pritchardia sp. #20
Pritchardia vuylstekeana #1
Pseudophoenix sargentii #7a, #7b
Pseudophoenix vinifera #10
Ptychococcus lepidotus #7
Ptychosperma cuneatum #7
Ptychosperma furcatum #10
Ptychosperma ledermannianum = Ponapea
Ptychosperma macarthurii #7
Ptychosperma waitianum #3, #7
Raphia sudanica #3
Ravenea dransfieldii #10
Ravenea glauca #10
Ravenea hildebrandtii #1
Ravenea krociana #20
Ravenea sambiranensis #1
Reinhardtia latisecta #7
Reinhardtia sp. 'Compacta' #1
Rhapis excelsa #3, #10
Rhapis multifida #7
Rhopaloblaste augusta #7
Roscheria melanochaetes #7
Sabal maritima #1
Saribus rotundifolius #1, #7
Satranala decussilvae #1
Schippia concolor #3
Serenoa repens var. 'Silver Form' #3
Siphokentia beguinii = Hydriastele beguinii
Syagrus botryophora #3
Syagrus weddelliana #1, #7
Thrinax radiata #10
Trachycarpus takil #3
Veillonia alba = Cyphophoenix alba
Veitchia arecina et al.
Veitchia vitiensis #3
Verschaffeltia splendida #7, #20
Wallichia caryotoides #7
Wallichia disticha #10
Wallichia siamensis = caryotoides
Washingtonia filifera #7
Zamia furfuracea #3
Zamia inermis #7
Zamia loddigesii #3
Zombia antillarum #1, #10

I know what I will be doing Saturday. Missed the last show, so need to come down to see the crotons that are available. If I was not working Friday I would be down the first day, luckily I always find plenty on Saturday. Thanks for the post I had not realized it was starting this weekend.
I know what I will be doing Saturday. Missed the last show, so need to come down to see the crotons that are available. If I was not working Friday I would be down the first day, luckily I always find plenty on Saturday. Thanks for the post I had not realized it was starting this weekend.

I tried posting this topic earlier in the month but had difficulties, and still had difficulty getting the intro part posted; I only got half of it to work. I skipped it to just get the Palm & Cycad list posted, and on that idea I have the Croton list to add. It stands at 124 culivars and is probably 98% complete as of today, Tuesday. There are a few new ones I had to add to the main list for the first time. The vast majority are in three gallon pots, with some that are possibly in larger size pots.

Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc. &
The Rainforest Collection ®

The 20th Annual
Spring ‘Ganza

March 2nd, 3rd, 4th –
9th, 10th, 11th - 2018

Croton List

Common Name
Alley Cat
American Made
Andrea Searle
Baron Rothschild
Ben Alexander
Captain Gilbert Cutler
Caribbean Star
Carlo Scarpa
Catherine Gephart
Caution Light
Chili Pan
Claude Lorraine
Colonel Bob Bullock
Compté de Castelaine
Cutlers Gulfstream
Daisy Ortega
Daisy's Pride
Davis #10
Davis #7
Davis Compacta
Dr. Alix
Dreer #7
Father's Day
Fred Sanders
Geisha Girl
General Lawrence
General MacArthur
Glen Roof
Go Reds
Heat Wave
Her Highness
Jean Francis Fascell
Joe Friday
John Soar
Jungle Queen
Key Lime
Kiss & Tell
Lemon & Lime
Lord Bellhaven
Louis Dupuy
Lover's Night
Lt. Paget
Madame Fernand Kohl
Major Dade
Maximum (Bender #2)
Miami Beauty
Mike Fascell
No Telling
Norman Rockwell
Ortega's Hybrid
Pink Davis
Pink Passion
Pop's Yard
Porter's Pink Veitchii
President Reagan
Queen of Siam
R. L. Farquar
Red Excurrens
Red Foot
Red Quill
Rose Charmer
Rudy Bachman
Seminole Queen
Sweet Marie
Sybil Griffen 'Lrg. Leaf Form'
The Clown
Thomas Edison
Thomas Hitchcock
Tortoise Shell
Tropical Feel
Unknown (?) from Yard
Van Buren
W. F. Dreer
Wall Fire
West Wall
Wild Dreams
William Craig
W o o t o n Beauty
Yellow Fever
Yellow Mammey

Thanks for posting the croton list. Definitely some I am interested in, so hopefully they will be available on Saturday.