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    How can I edit palmpedia?

    I would like to start contributing images to palmpedia. I have found some pretty cool habitat photos that I'd like to share. I see the log in button but I do not see a register button. How can I join?
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    Have I brought a pest into my garden?

    This weekend a bought a 3 gallon Montgomery triple. It looked in pretty bad shape, it was all yellowy and most of the leaves had browning holes on them. The guy at the nursery assured me that it was just the stress from the pot and once I get it in the ground it would be fine. I accepted that...
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    Clustering Archontophoenix

    I want to create a cluster of Archontophoenix in my garden, this is the look I would like to achieve: The plan would be to plant small ones so that they would grow up to be like this, here are some questions about how to achieve this look: 1) How close together should I plant the...
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    Can this seedling be planted?

    I pulled this out of the ground at the base of an interesting looking Phoenix. I was just walking by and did not have a shovel. Maybe it got ripped from the seed / roots and it is unrecoverable. Will it survive if I put it in a pot?
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    Leaves turning brown on newly planted Italian Cypresses

    I planted 2 baby Italian cypresses in front of my house about 6 months ago. I planted them on a north facing wall where in winter they only got full sun after 3 pm. About 3 months ago I actually dug them up and moved them a foot further from the wall so they would get more sun. The move in...
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    Can I remove the trunk covering on my Dictyosperma?

    My Dictyosperma Album has this covering around the trunk. It looks kind of ugly, is it safe to pull it off? r should I wait for it to come off naturally? See pic below:
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    Phoenix Rupicula or hybrid?

    I have seen a couple of palms around my neighborhood that have a crown like phoenix Canariensis but have a thin trunk. I was wondering if they are Phoenix Rupicula or perhaps a hybrid between Canariensis and Reclinata? Here are pictures of both of them, what do you think?
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    Is this Archontophoenix Alexandrae?

    Is this Archontophoenix Alexandrae?
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    Palm Tree Family Tree

    Has anybody ever tried to make a family tree of all the different palm tree species? I.e. something that would summarize all current scientific knowledge and show which palm species are more closely related to each other and identify 'missing links'?
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    How's my spacing?

    Attached is a photo of two palms I have planted at 4 feet, 1 inch apart. The palm on the left is a Hurricane Palm (Dictyosperma Album) from a 10 gallon container, the palm on the right is a Majesty Palm (Ravenea Rivularis) from a 3 gallon container (bought at Home Depot for $15 and advertised...
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    Perils of Coconuts

    I was thinking of planting a couple 12 foot coconut trees on my swale outside my house. My wife is against it because she thinks they would be dangerous (coconuts falling on peoples heads or damaging cars) But as long as we pick the coconuts off the trees before Hurricane season we should...
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    Identify this Phoenix species

    What type of Phoenix trees are these? I would have thought they are Canariensis, but the trunk looks thin so I thought perhaps Sylvestris?
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    Any tips on planting palms from seeds

    I found some seeds for a Dictyosperma Album that was on the swale in my neighborhood. I took some brown seeds from the floor around the tree and some green and brown ones from the tree itself. I assume its better to use the brown ones right? But should I use the older, wrinkled ones that I...
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    Any advice on my sick Roebellinis?

    I have a lot of Roebellini Palms in my garden and most of them seem to be sick. The new palm leaves that are sprouting from the center of the tree are coming out brown and dead looking. See photos below: Is it not too late to save these trees? What can I do? I have already tried...
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    What are these plants?

    I have seen an agave plant that has the same colorings as this on the internet, but I am not sure if this was a succulent or just a long reed type plant. It is really pretty though: Any idea what the white flowers are in this photo below, they smelled very nice: And this one, is...
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    Help me identify these trees from my garden

    Recently bought a house with many palms, I cannot tell what some of them are, any ideas: What is this: And is this one Sabal or Washingtonia: What kind of saw do I need to buy to prune the trunk on this one?
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    How fast does Phoenix Sylvestris grow?

    How many feet per year will Phoenix Sylvestris grow? Is it more spikey than Phoenix Canariensis? Are the leaves shorter as well? I have seen some palms that look like Phoenix but they have many short spiky leaves, giving them the overall appearance of a bushy tree rather than a palm. Is...