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  1. bepah

    The great Dypsis mystique dead in California?

    Jeff Earl's D. decipiens in Modesto speaks to the possibilities of specialty Dypsis in NorCal.
  2. bepah

    Why do Floridians plant Phoenix sp.more then Californians?

    I would counter that there are more Phoenix sp. in CA than in FL. Where I live, the endemic roebellinii and CIDP, we also see tons of hybrids as well. If you go to the Indio area, there are thousands of acres of dactyliferas....where the commercial crop is grown.......and finally, we are a much...
  3. bepah

    Let me interrupt with a Trachycarpus......

    .....uhkrulensis..... I like it!
  4. bepah

    I Love Lucy Rubber tree.

    My wife knows where they all went..:D
  5. bepah

    I Love Lucy Rubber tree.

    my guess is that next to the current F. elastica, it would not compare....
  6. bepah

    Howea trunk.

    I have extremely small ones under my forsterianas....always glad to see them. I'll get a photo posted....
  7. bepah

    I Love Lucy Rubber tree.

    I remember these....
  8. bepah

    Pandanus and Opuntias anyone?

    I just rescued an Opuntia santa-rita....... Before After
  9. bepah

    Pandanus and Opuntias anyone?

    Opuntias are just so prickly, though......:D
  10. bepah

    Aloha To You Big Leaf Guys

    I think I post a photo of my Koi pond fed Colocasia fontanesii and see what develops......
  11. bepah

    Mardy Darian Garden Visit

    Phil, There are hundreds of photos on PalmTalk, both traditional and FaceBook. I, for one, am exhausted from the task of posting them. Perhaps our stalwart moderator will be up to the task.
  12. bepah

    Big Island Palm Tour - Donʻt Miss It

    I kind of feel left out....sigh....
  13. bepah

    Beccariophoenix alfredii hardiness

    Jeff, Your response has confused me. My understanding is as follows: B. alfredii - Straplike leaves with small windows as juvenniles, going to pinnate after 5 or 6 leaves (at least thats what mine look like) B. madagascariensis - juveniles go to pinnate leaves very early, no window...
  14. bepah

    Jubaea chilensis sprouts

    Patience is will be 1 billion years before you can put them in the ground :)
  15. bepah

    Beccariophoenix alfredii hardiness

    I agree with you. There were probably other contributing factors, as well. Over the visits I made I noticed that they may have been too dry. The point of the experiment is to gather data, which I did. It got colder in Livermore than here. My plants in pot survived, those did not. We hade a...
  16. bepah

    Beccariophoenix alfredii hardiness

    I just found out that the 2 alfredii I gave to a nursery for experiment in Livermore sadly passed over the winter. The got a couple of days of 23F lows with snow! (2 inches). At least we now know that in pots, 23 is too low....
  17. bepah

    Bepah's Palm List

    This guy is advertising on Craigslist all over CA. he is based in OC somewhere. He started with advertising foxtails, which will fail here and in Bakersfield. He has or had an account on Palmtalk but does not participate. I have not had ant transactionsd with him and do not know of anyone who...
  18. bepah

    Dypsis tsaravoasira

    Dean, beginning 5 cents.... With all of the confusion in the scientific nomenclature in Dypsis sp., adding the common names seems to add to the confusion, don't you think? I am more and more trying to identify all plants by their Latin, rather than just using the more imprecise common...
  19. bepah

    Bepah's Palm List

    They fared pretty well with some variance, but as of right now they are all alive and in need of repotting, those still in pots. About a wee kago I inspected them and the roots were growing out of the drain holes. These were obtained about 10 months ago as 4 inch sleeve bareroot and potted into...
  20. bepah

    Bepah's Palm List

    Discussion thread for BEPAH'S PALM LIST. If you would like to add a comment, click the Post Reply button. I am building the list and it will take a few days (or weeks).....please be patient.