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  1. P

    Test Flight

    very costly and becoming prohibitively so with declining membership
  2. P

    Member issues

    a month and 1/2 with no posts - that must mean everyone is content with our palm society great - now Dean & I can continue with our own little tea party
  3. P

    Mardy Darian Garden Visit

    Mardy Darian will be hosting this month's Palm Society meeting Saturday, July 17 It is members only (spouses and children over 15)
  4. P

    Big Island Palm Tour - Donʻt Miss It

    Please give me some advice to get it started; if I wait to discuss it with my fellow boardmembers, it'll be years before we see results. We meet every other month - we barely make a quorum more often than not, and our entire meetings are generally consumed by pressing business like the journal...
  5. P

    Big Island Palm Tour - Donʻt Miss It

    just a goof trying to generate some traffic - if only we could rope you into our membership...
  6. P

    Big Island Palm Tour - Donʻt Miss It

    those in favor - raise your right hand your other right, Meathead
  7. P

    Big Island Palm Tour - Donʻt Miss It

    King of all dorks... Dork Jr. to Dork King: "Do you think that Macrozamia will ever get too big for my planter?"
  8. P

    Big Island Palm Tour - Donʻt Miss It

    Palmdork Meeting now in session
  9. P

    Member issues

    here's one - enrollment is declining if you enjoy the journal show it off hit me up or one of the other board members for extra copies to share with friends, associates, plant shows, nurseries, waiting rooms, etc. enthusiasm is contagious now go out and infect everyone
  10. P

    Member issues

  11. P

    Test Flight

    In terms of NEtiquette, can I link it to a post on PalmTalk?