Recent content by KONADANTOM


    Its that time

    I really enjoy fragrant plants, and grew Brunfelsia “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” bushes back when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area. Some Brunfelsia varieties require a more tropical climate, so check out your local area nurseries to find / get advice about which of the 40 or so...

    My Garden In Temecula, Ca

    Aloha Matt – I’m a fairly new member of PalmPedia, and just checked out your “My Garden In Temecula, Ca”. You have created a great looking palm garden – I think your background audio is Aboriginal music using the didgeridoo?

    Pauline Sullivan's Hawaiian Garden - Slideshow

    Just watched Dean’s amazing slideshow again, after missing the Sunday 12-20-2009 Hawai’i Island Palm Society tour of the Sullivan palm garden property. PalmTalk feedback from others indicates the Sullivan property is still for sale, so if in the next few days a dear friend asks you what you’d...

    New Costa Rica Biennial SlideShow Available

    Mahalo for the feedback Jeff - one place I did not have time to see was the Pacific coast beach community area where you live - maybe I'll get there if I'm fortunate enough to make a return trip to Costa Rica

    Three More Cheers for Palmpedia Member "Palmnerd"

    I took a look at the Palmpedia Glossary - this will be a great quick reference tool - Mahalo to Justin

    Pauline Sullivan's Hawaiian Garden - Slideshow

    Mahalo for sharing the slideshow. RE Palmnerd’s reply “Pauline's estate seems like a good candidate for a collective retirement home for elder palm freaks. I would consider throwing down for a share of the property to while away my last years. I should be in full blown dimentia by then and...

    A Perfect Eucalyptus deglupta

    For those who have never admired a mature tree up close and personal, the Eucalyptus deglupta has really beautiful bark. I’ve seen many nice specimens growing here on Big Island and during the 2008 IPS Biennial in Costa Rica. A Florida plant vendor’s web site provides brief growth info (“a...

    STARTING YOUR OWN PERSONAL PAGE - Amazon Don as Guinea Pig

    Don & Dean - the personal page is a great idea - I'm viewing Don's personal page, and appreciate the time and effort he devoted to this project.