Recent content by Eric-Orlando FL

  1. E

    Rare bismarkia

    That is an awesome specimen! Definitely a Latania.
  2. E

    Camellia Sinensis

    Camellia sinensis should grow well for you but don't expect good tea. Usually the long hot season produces a bitter tea. There are selections from lowland areas that will produce good tea in hot areas. There is a tea plantation somewhere in South Carolina, the only one in the US.
  3. E

    The Arizona Landscape

    There is even some palms growing at the resort on the UT border
  4. E

    The Arizona Landscape

    My sister lives in Sierra Vista, in the far SE corner of AZ. I love it out there! If I didn't like FL I would have already moved to AZ. Have you ever gone up to Lake Powell? It is north of Flagstaff along the UT border and east of the Grand Canyon. They damned the CO River there in the '60s...
  5. E

    Zanthoxylum ailanthoides- Asian Prickly-Ash Tree, anyone growing or familiar with ?

    Anyone familiar with or growing Zanthoxylum ailanthoides, Asian Prickly-Ash Tree? It is in Rutaceae and a relative of Z. clava-herculis (Hercules Club or Prickly-Ash) and Z. fagara (Wild Lime), both native in Florida. They are also distant relatives to citrus. Zanthoxylum ailanthoides is native...