Two more


Active Member
Here's 2 new ones. I don't know the parents of the one on the left but on the right is Bimbo by Mrs Peyton. The plant growing in the yard that is now virtually dead along with the barbados cherry growing next to it and the cassia tree to the right of it. Thanks to an over zealous neighbor and his liberal use of weed and feed. Oh Marie, that's the seedling you showed me the other day. Chris


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Oh, my water quality is terrible as it has been leaving a deposit that practically blackens the leaves so my plants aren't showing very well. I plan to sink the well deeper in a few days and maybe get better water.
Wouldn't it be fun to have a Croton State Fair or something whereby us croton addicts could bring in our latest creations? Big contest...hybrid of the year or something. I like them Chris.

Jerry - although the interest in crotons has expontially increased in recent years, I don't believe a Croton State Fair could stand on its own. However, there is a venue that may be what you looking for. Its the Tropical Fern & Tropical Plant Society Show. I think it is held on the first weekend of June.

Over 30 varieties of Crotons were put in the show last year. If you choose, you fill out a card and your plant will be judged and ribbons are awarded. The Judges are not croton snobs looking for exteme rarities. Their criteria appears to focus on outstanding well grown plants with vibrant colors.

This Society is chock full of the friendliest plant lovers I have encountered. Many forum members here are also members of this Society. Three just joined this past year. With the Croton Society in hibrenation, many in this area have turned to this Society.

The Society's focus for this show has always been about showcasing and promoting the plants #1 and attracting new members #2, not making $. Last years show was the first in many years that did not finish in the red, they made about $7. They did sign up 9 new members. While many plant Societies are shrinking, this one is growing. As a matter of fact forum member Emmylou is the President. :D

An observation: Many of the Society members who were not interested in crotons are now beginning to embrace them since they are getting introduced to all the different cultivars they have never seen before. By the way - I am biased, I'm a member. :eek:


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Jerry I have to agree with Moose about the Tropical fern and plant show held at FTBG had a real nice mix of plants in the display. Bring a few of your favorites to the next show for all of us to enjoy. And I want everybody to know the butterfly aviary exhibit is now open and is a must see.
PS welcome home pocomo
Jerry I have to agree with Moose about the Tropical fern and plant show held at FTBG had a real nice mix of plants in the display. Bring a few of your favorites to the next show for all of us to enjoy. And I want everybody to know the butterfly aviary exhibit is now open and is a must see.
PS welcome home pocomo

Thanks Kip! Janet and yourself are members. So is Chris (pocomo). Any other fellow Tropical Fern & Exotic Plant Society members? Please post and show your support here! ;)
If there's enough interest, I would bet that we could have a special ribbon for "Best Croton" just like we do for "Best Flowering Plant," "Best Fern," and "Most Unusual Plant."
Marie, What a great idea. I love it. Let's propose the idea to the board to include that category in our show this year. Ron, thanks for letting everyone know about our meeting tomorrow night. Hope to see many of you there. Marnie