The synonyms

Crazy for Crotons

Well-Known Member
Bob Alonzo and I have (over the last couple of years) put together a list of definite and some not so definite synoyms for croton cultivars. Get ready to revise your lists. Some are well known and some not so much.

“Angustissimum” syn. “Johannis”
“Appleleaf” syn.“Mrs. Iceton” syn. “Imperialis”
“Aureo Maculatum” syn.”Goldust”
“Bush on Fire” syn. “Batik”
“Chrysophyllum” syn. “Hookerianum”
“C.I. Craigin” syn. “Madam Blanche”
“Cornutum” syn. “Banana”
"Earl Of Derby” syn. “Mrs. Fred Sanders”
“Edwin Lonsdale” syn. “Buddy” (this one is still in question)
“Goldfinger” syn. “Goldstar Selecta”
“Illustris” syn. “Fiesta”
“Marie Dressler” syn. “Tugboat Annie”
“Marigold” syn. “Yellow Duke Of Windsor”
“Nancy” syn. “Mammie Sport”
"Noblissima” syn. “Zulu”
“Reliance” syn. “Johanna Coppinger Sport”
“Roseo Pictus” syn. “Gonzales”
“Sunray” syn. “Anietumense”
“Superba” syn. “Picasso’s Paintbrush” syn. “Madam Pele”
“Tortoise Shell” syn. “Turtle Back”
“Undulatum” syn. “Piecrust” syn. “Mortimer”
"Victoria Gold Bell" syn. "Reasoner's #2" (still in question)
“Volutum” syn. “Ram’s Horn”
“Warrenii” syn. “Jenseni”
“White Eburneum” syn. “Andrew”
A few to add:
Pappey is another name for Nancy (the Mammey sport)
Willy is another name for Reliance
Pele's FIre is another name for Picasso's Paintbrush

And the thread from the other day - Brilliantissima, Joseph Fondeur & Zanzibar.

This is the type of info that I hope you guys take the time to place in the "Crotonpedia." I have made a sample suggestion as to how this might be done here.

With these names placed in the wiki like that, they will become "searchable." The Search Feature on the wiki is a very powerful tool. And it would be especially valuable when it comes to referencing the many confusing names and IDs of Crotons.

For example, if you place the name "Mrs. Icetone" in the Search Box, it will indicate that name appears on the "Mrs. Iceton" page with a link to it. Such a search would then let you know that the name Mrs. Icetone is one associated (incorrectly) with Mrs. Iceton or it's other synonyms. Over time, this cross referencing could be extremely valuable in sorting out what appears to be a multitude of discrepancies - or at least provide some info about a name that might not otherwise be referenced.
Phil Stager raised an excellent question. Are the earliest names listed first? It might be even more helpful to highlight or in someway indicate the preferred name, if that has been established.
I'm not completely sure about that. Anietumense does precede the name Sunray for example. I'm pretty sure Edwin Lonsdale was around before Buddy. The names Mrs. Iceton, Goldust, Banana, Goldstar Selecta, Fiesta, Tugboat Annie, Zulu, Picasso’s Paintbrush, Piecrust, Victoria Gold Bell, Ram's Horn, Johannis and Andrew are likely newer names for old plants. Establishing whether the name Imperialis or Appleleaf came first will be near impossible. Reasoner's Nursery was known to rename hybrids from time to time and this adds to the confusion. It's tough enough coming up with a list like this. The name chronology is a another project that may be impossible to ever complete with 100% certainty. That seems to be the case with most things involving this group of plants.

Thanks for your additions Marie. This list is a work in progress so keep the names coming.