The Real Dypsis heteromorpha


Staff member
There has been lots of supposition as to what is the real D. heteromorpha. Until a much better candidate and explanation comes along, I am going with this palm. At Floribunda today, Jeff advised me that the seed and some other keys appear to indicate that this is it. But no matter what it is, you can see it is a must have, especially if it is as hardy as it should be for at least So. California.
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This palm, with some variabilities, is around and in a few gardens. At any rate, these will begin to flower soon and the subsequent analysis will tell us the story.

But whatever this palm is, as you can see, it is a very attractive palm and initial reports are that it grows very well in SoCal as well.
This is the same palm that is growing here in CA. I have 3, one of which has been flowering for 2 years. This is a vigorously clumping Dypsis with pretty fat stems. It seems like it's gonna be 20' + easily.
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That's a killer palm Matty. I just can't seem to get mine in gear. Kept them in the container neglected for too long, and now they are making me pay for it. Or I've got some nematode or something funky on both of the ones in the ground. I would start over if I had a fresh one.