The Garden Area To Watch


Esteemed Member
May 2016... clean out underway...

Needs a little color to be added... I guess I will have to think of some plants to add here in the next few weeks.;)
I am almost at the end of the clean up and will start the plantings the first week of June.

Thanks for the offer Lamar, but I think I have more now than I can fit into this area as it will have a walkway and seating area.
When do the admission tickets get out there. A must stop on the garden tour. AKA Scottie Land
Lamar, A garden tour is possible later in the year. The new area should fill in real good this summer and give the Hawaiian Garden look I am striving for. Here is a snap shot of the western side of the area .
I finished planting the new area this week and it is now home to 48 different Ti. Got to find another area to redo as I have lots more to get in ground.
After a few adjustments to the planting area in the last few weeks, a total of 65 varieties call it home. The Oldhamaii bamboo sucks a lot of the moisture out of the soil and plants needed to be relocated further out from it. Still need to mulch, but waiting to make sure no more relocating of sprinkler heads needed.
Beautiful, I luv plans. You have the ability to plan and execute. I just plan. And then start trying to fix my foul-ups. Great job Scot Ti
Thanks guys! The next phase is in the planning stages and will begin soon.