The 17th Annual Spring ‘Ganza - Croton and Palm Lists


This is the first draft of the Croton List for the upcoming Spring 'Ganza. It is considered nearly complete, with the usual, possible last-minute additions. I did my best with the spelling, but if you see something that needs to be corrected, please post it. I have also attached the list as a (.pdf) file.

Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc. &
The Rainforest Collection ®

The 17th Annual Spring ‘Ganza
March 6th, 7th, 8th, -
13th, 14th, 15th 2015

Croton List
149 cultivars –
Draft 95% Complete

Common Name
Andrea Searle
Baron Rothschild
Ben Alexander
Black Beauty
Captain Gilbert Cutler
Catherine Gephart
Chili Pan
Colonel Bob Bullock
Colonel Lindbergh
Compté de Castelaine
Compté de Germiny
Coppinger Hybrid
Czar Alexander
Daisy's Pride
David's Pride
Davis #1
Dr. Alix
Dream Girl
Dreer #7
Eleanor Fischler
Eleanor Roosevelt
Ellen Rutherford
Ernestine Delarue
Ethel Craig
Father's Day
Faye Miller
Fire Breath
Franklin Roosevelt
Geisha Girl
General Lawrence
General MacArthur
General Marshall
Glen Roof
Gold Finger
Harvest Moon
Helen Edge
Her Highness
Joe Friday
Judy's Beauty
Juliette Delarue
Jungle Queen
King of Siam
Lt. Paget
Madame Fernand Kohl
Major Dade
Mardi Gras
Maximum (Bender #2)
Mike Ferrer
Mons. Florin
Mother's Day
Oak Leaf Superba
Old Legend
Ortega's Hybrid
Philippine Red
Pink Davis
Pink Eburneum
Pink Passion
Plaid Oak
Pop's Yard
President Reagan
Pride of Naples
Pride of Winter Haven
Prince of Orange
Princess Eugenia
Queen Elizabeth
R. L. Farquad
Rainbow Candy
Red Quill
Red Thai
Robert Lavalois
Rodder's Pink Veitchii
Roseo Pictus
Royal Flush
Rudy Bachman
Searle #5
Seminole Pink
Seminole Queen
Shady Lane
Son of Joe Friday
Stain Glass
Super Petra
Sweet Looking
Thanksgiving, 'Blotched'
Three Toes
Tiger Eye
Tropical Feel
W. F. Dreer
West Wall
White Bravo
William Craig
William Jennings Bryan, 'Blotched'
W o o ton Beauty
Yellow Duncan Macaw
Yellow Fever
Yellow Petra



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The Palm & Cycad list is ready as a draft, as of today, Sunday the 1st. At the time I got the list, there were still areas of the nursery being looked through and others being double-checked for palms to be pulled. I put the list at 80% complete as there will more likely be more species. I attached the list as a (.pdf) file.

Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc. &
The Rainforest Collection ®

The 17th Annual Spring ‘Ganza
March 6th, 7th, 8th, -
13th, 14th, 15th 2015

Palm & Cycad List
Draft 3-1-15 – 80% Complete
About 239 Species

Genus - Species - Sizes
Acanthophoenix crinita #3
Actinokentia divaricata #1 #3
Actinorhytis calapparia #7
Adonidia merrillii var. 'Variegated Golden Form' #7
Allagoptera campestris #7
Allagoptera caudescens #7
Allagoptera leucocalyx #7
Archontophoenix myolensis #1 #3
Archontophoenix purpurea #3 #7 #10
Areca catechu #1 #7 #10 CP
Areca catechu cv. alba #3 #7
Areca catechu var. 'Dwarf' #15
Areca hutchinsoniana #3 #7
Areca macrocalyx var. 'Marie' #7
Areca montana #1
Areca vestiaria #1 #3 #7 #15
Areca vestiaria var. 'Maroon Leaf' #1 #3
Arenga australasica #7
Arenga brevipes #15
Arenga pinnata #7
Arenga undulatifolia #3 #15
Asterogyne martiana #3
Astrocaryum alatum #3
Astrocaryum standleyanum #3
Attalea funifera #10
Bactris gasipaes var. 'Spineless' #7
Balaka gracilis = seemannii
Balaka seemannii #3
Basselinia glabrata #2
Basselinia pancheri #1 #7
Beccariophoenix alfredii CP
Beccariophoenix fenestralis #3 #7
Beccariophoenix madagascariensis = fenestralis
Bentinckia condapanna #7
Bentinckia nicobarica #10
Bismarckia nobilis et al.
Borassodendron machadonis #7
Burretiokentia dumasii #1
Burretiokentia grandiflora #1
Burretiokentia hapala #1 #7 #15
Burretiokentia koghiensis #1 #3
Burretiokentia vieillardii #3 #7 #15
Butia capitata #7
Calyptrocalyx aff. fasciculatus #3
Calyptrocalyx hollrungii #3 #7
Calyptrocalyx polyphyllus #7
Calyptrocalyx sp. ‘Boalak’ #3
Calyptrocalyx sp. ‘Sanumb’ #7 #10
Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana #7
Calyptronoma dulcis = plumeriana
Calyptronoma plumeriana #1 #10
Carpentaria acuminata et al.
Caryota obtusa #3
Caryota ophiopellis #2 #7
Chamaedorea adscendens #2
Chamaedorea brachypoda #7
Chamaedorea cataractarum et al.
Chamaedorea ernesti-augustii #1 #3
Chamaedorea geonomiformis 4in
Chamaedorea hooperiana #15
Chamaedorea metallica #1
Chamaedorea microspadix #3
Chamaedorea oblongata #3
Chamaedorea pochutlensis #7
Chamaedorea stolonifera #3
Chamaedorea woodsoniana #3
Chambeyronia macrocarpa #3
Chelyocarpus chuco #7
Chuniophoenix nana #7
Clinostigma exorrhizum #3
Clinostigma ponapense #10
Coccothrinax barbadensis #10
Coccothrinax borhidiana #7 DP
Coccothrinax borhidiana var. 'Hybrid' #15
Coccothrinax crinita #3
Coccothrinax fragrans #7
Coccothrinax miraguama #3 #15
Cocos nucifera var. ‘Malayan Green’ et al.
Copernicia alba #3
Copernicia berteroana #10
Copernicia ekmanii #7
Copernicia fallaensis et al.
Copernicia glabrescens #7
Copernicia prunifera #10
Copernicia x vespertilionum #15
Corypha umbraculifera #15
Corypha utan #7
Cryosophila albida = warscewiczii
Cryosophila warscewiczii #7
Cyphophoenix elegans #1 #3 #7 #10
Cyphophoenix nucele #3
Cyphosperma balansae #1
Cyphosperma naboutinense #1 #2
Cyrtostachys renda #3 #10
Cyrtostachys sp. 'Hybrid' #7
Dioon edule #3 #7
Drymophloeus oliviformis #7
Dypsis albofarinosa #7
Dypsis ampasindavae #1
Dypsis baronii #3
Dypsis basilonga #10
Dypsis cabadae et al.
Dypsis canaliculata #20
Dypsis carlsmithii #3 #7 #15
Dypsis heteromorpha #15
Dypsis hovomantsina #7
Dypsis lastelliana var. 'Highland Mealybug' #7
Dypsis leptocheilos et al.
Dypsis lutea #7a #7b
Dypsis lutescens et al.
Dypsis lutescens var. 'Dwarf' #3
Dypsis madagascariensis #7
Dypsis mananjarensis #15
Dypsis nauseosa #15
Dypsis ovobontsira #7
Dypsis paludosa #3a #3b
Dypsis pilulifera #1 #7
Dypsis pinnatifrons #3
Dypsis prestoniana #25
Dypsis procera #1
Dypsis psammophila #7
Dypsis rivularis #7
Dypsis robusta #3
Dypsis saintelucei #3 #7
Dypsis sp. #1
Dypsis sp. '#2' #7
Dypsis sp. 'Bejou' 4in
Dypsis tokoravina #7
Dypsis utilis #7 #10
Encephalartos concinnus et al.
Encephalartos munchii et al.
Euterpe oleracea #7
Euterpe sp. 'Orange Crownshaft' #7 #10
Gaussia princeps #3 #7
Geonoma interrupta #15
Heterospathe brevicaulis #3
Heterospathe elata #7
Heterospathe minor #10
Hydriastele beguinii #10
Hydriastele beguinii var. 'Obi Island Form' #7
Hydriastele cylindrocarpa #3
Hydriastele dransfieldii #25
Hydriastele longispatha #7 #10
Hydriastele pinangoides #3 #7
Hyophorbe indica #7
Hyphaene coriacea #7
Iriartea deltoidea #2 #7
Itaya amicorum #7
Johannesteijsmannia magnifica #3
Johannesteijsmannia perakensis #3
Kentiopsis oliviformis #10 #25
Kentiopsis pyriformis #10
Kerriodoxa elegans #3 #7 #15
Lanonia dasyantha #1 #3
Latania verschaffeltii #7
Lepidozamia peroffskyana #3
Licuala aurantiaca #15
Licuala cabalionii #7
Licuala distans #7
Licuala fordiana #2 #7
Licuala glabra var. selangorensis #1
Licuala grandis #1 #7 #10
Licuala lauterbachii #10
Licuala lauterbachii var. bouganvilliensis #7
Licuala longipes #10
Licuala naumannii 4in
Licuala parviflora #5
Licuala peekelii #7
Licuala peltata #3 #7
Licuala peltata var. sumawongii #1 #3 #7 #25
Licuala ramsayi #3 #10
Licuala rumphii #1 #3
Licuala sp. 'Yal Bral' #7
Licuala spinosa #1
Livistona rotundifolia = Saribus rotundifolius
Loxococcus rupicola #1
Lytocaryum hoehnei #7
Lytocaryum weddellianum #7
Marojejya darianii #3
Masoala madagascariensis #3
Mauritia flexuosa #3
Mauritiella armata #15
Nenga pumila #1
Neoveitchia storckii #15
Nephrosperma van-houtteanum #7
Normanbya normanbyi #7
Pelagodoxa henryana #7 #15
Phoenix pusilla #3
Phoenix rupicola #10
Phoenix zeylanica = pusilla
Pinanga coronata var. 'blunt, thin leaf form' #7 #10
Pinanga elmeri = philippinensis
Pinanga gracilis #7
Pinanga heterophylla #1
Pinanga philippinensis #3
Pinanga sp. ‘Thai Mottled’ #7
Pinanga speciosa #7
Pritchardia affinis = maideniana
Pritchardia kaalae var. minima #7
Pritchardia maideniana #7
Pritchardia napalensis #7
Pritchardia remota #1
Pritchardia vuylstekeana 4in
Pseudophoenix sargentii #7
Ptychosperma bleeseri #3
Ptychosperma furcatum #1
Ptychosperma lauterbachii #3
Ptychosperma pullenii #1
Ptychosperma schefferi #3 #10
Ravenea dransfieldii #10
Ravenea hildebrandtii #3
Ravenea krociana #20
Rhapis excelsa #3
Rhapis excelsa cv. 'variegated' #10
Rhapis excelsa cv. nana ‘Super Dwarf’ #1
Rhapis humilis x cochinchinensis 'Alicia' #7
Rhapis multifida #7
Roystonea borinquena #10
Roystonea oleracea #15
Sabal domingensis #7
Salacca zalacca #7
Saribus rotundifolius #3
Satakentia liukiuensis #3 #10
Syagrus botryophora #7
Syagrus cocoides #7
Syagrus coronata #10
Syagrus vermicularis #7
Veitchia arecina et al.
Veitchia metiti #1
Verschaffeltia splendida #10
Welfia regia #3
Wodyetia bifurcata et al.
Wodyetia X Veitchia #7
Zamia fairchildiana #3
Zamia furfuracea #3
Zamia inermis #7
Zamia standleyi #3
Zamia vazquezii #3
Zombia antillarum #7


File: Palm & Cycad List


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Hello Ryan,

Is this event open to the public and where can I get more details (such as hours and directions)?

Hello Ryan,

Is this event open to the public and where can I get more details (such as hours and directions)?


Hi Karl,

This topic is posted in reference to the main Extravaganza topic I started over at IPS's Palmtalk forum. Follow the link below...

The 17th Annual Spring Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganza!

The topic contains all kinds of information on the sale which is expressly open to the public. It is one of the two times in the year that the nursery is open to the public and is set up as a plant event. Here is part of the info from the topic including address, hours and directions:

South Florida Location:
Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc.

6640 SW 172nd Avenue
Southwest Ranches, Florida 33331
Western Broward County
*see Map below...

Spring 2015 Schedule:
Friday, March 6th - 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday, March 7th - 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Sunday, March 8th - 9:00AM - 4:00PM
also the following weekend...

Friday, March 13th - 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday, March 14th - 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Sunday, March 15th - 9:00AM - 4:00PM

Following the link below will show you a general street map of western Broward County, Florida showing the location of the nursery (Palm tree symbol). Using Sheridan Street would be the best option to get to the nursery if you are heading west through the area. If you are taking the Florida Turnpike, use the Griffin Road exit from the north, or the Pines Blvd. exit from the south. If you need any additional directions, please contact the nursery, Jeff or I (Ryan). When you get close to the nursery, look for large power lines as they run east and west above the nursery. Parking is along the shoulder of 172nd Avenue in front of, and down the street from, the nursery entrance. If you intend to arrive early before sunrise (and many usually do) be wary of hard-to-see speed bumps along 172nd Avenue and there is a possibility of a speed trap as well.
Map Link:

Your post reminded me to the fact that not everyone here on this Forum also peruses the topics on Palmtalk. I will have to post the sale info here next time when I post the lists.


Thanks so much for all the information. I will certainly plan on coming down this weekend. Do people get there before sunrise to get better parking and get in line before it opens? I will be sure to check the link as well.

Carl if you arrive by 7:38 that should give you ample time to stretch and warm up for the race into the depths of CROTON land ;-) The Searles team put on a really nice show and have a high quality selection of plants welcome aboard.

Thanks so much for all the information. I will certainly plan on coming down this weekend. Do people get there before sunrise to get better parking and get in line before it opens? I will be sure to check the link as well.


Your gonna get in trouble Karl, there are an amazing array of cultivars that Mark Peters never had - LOL :D

My first time buying crotons at the Extravaganza I dropped some serious coin and went home with a bounty of wonderful colors.
Your gonna get in trouble Karl, there are an amazing array of cultivars that Mark Peters never had - LOL :D

My first time buying crotons at the Extravaganza I dropped some serious coin and went home with a bounty of wonderful colors.
I am looking forward to it. I know from the list of available crotons that I will find plenty that are on my wish list and that I have never seen other than in photos, and others I have never even heard of. Wish I was able to go down on Friday morning, but it is the final day of teaching my little monsters before our Spring Break, so I hope most of what I am looking for won't sell out on the first day.
Carl if you arrive by 7:38 that should give you ample time to stretch and warm up for the race into the depths of CROTON land ;-) The Searles team put on a really nice show and have a high quality selection of plants welcome aboard. View attachment 30922
Thanks. I was not sure how early to get there, but I can definitely get down by 7:30 or so. I am glad I have limited space in my vehicle, because if not I am sure I would spend far more than I should. I wonder how many other Extravaganza virgins will be there, first time for everything. :rolleyes:
... Do people get there before sunrise to get better parking and get in line before it opens?...



As Lamar and Ron eluded to, some people do arrive earlier than sunrise to get ready at the gate in the morning. There is usually plenty of parking, but some do prefer a spot close to the gate or some like to back their vehicles into a specific spot, etc. I've seen all kinds of unique behavior over the years. I have heard people joke about bringing a tent to set up in line, like waiting for concert tickets. The gates open right at 8:00AM, more or less, and people move out in a single group down the main road towards the sales area. Some jog, some speed walk, rarely someone will break out into a full sprint or run. After a few seconds, people start choosing their own pathways to specific plant sections depending on where they want to get to first. Then the fun begins...

I have a group of additions for the Palm list, as of today, Monday. Most are additional species, while some are added sizes:

Brassiophoenix drymophloeoides #7
Basselinia humboldtiana #1
Balaka microcarpa #1
Calyptrocalyx albertisianus #7
Caryota zebrina #7, #10
Chambeyronia macrocarpa #1
Chamaedorea hooperiana #3
Beccariophoenix alfredii #10
Beccariophoenix sp. 'Coastal Form' #10
Johannesteijsmannia altifrons #1
Hemithrinax ekmaniana #1
Licuala sallehana #1
Metroxylon vitiense #2
Reinhardtia latisecta #7
Pinanga coronata var. ‘Wide Leaf Form’ #10
Pritchardia pacifica #1
Ravenea julietiae #2

I am looking forward to it. I know from the list of available crotons that I will find plenty that are on my wish list and that I have never seen other than in photos, and others I have never even heard of. Wish I was able to go down on Friday morning, but it is the final day of teaching my little monsters before our Spring Break, so I hope most of what I am looking for won't sell out on the first day.

You do not have to worry about plants selling out.I went back on a Sunday afternoon two years ago and picked up a wonderful Michelangelo.There will be many nice plants for sale all weekend
You do not have to worry about plants selling out.I went back on a Sunday afternoon two years ago and picked up a wonderful Michelangelo.There will be many nice plants for sale all weekend
Sounds good. Being my first time, I have no idea what to expect. I know when I go to the sales at the botanical gardens around the state, if you are not there early on the first day much of the most unusual plants are wiped out by collectors looking for those hard to find gems in a few hours. I was worried this might be the same, so it is a relief to know that I will be in good shape on Saturday. Anything new like this is both exciting and a bit intimidating until you get there and experience it for the first time. It should be fun.
Ryan and I look forward to meeting you, please introduce yourself when you come. And I'm sure you'll still find some interesting plants, even on saturday. Drive safely.
One day left to prep and I have more Palms and Cycads to add to the list. I think more could still be pulled during tomorrow (Thursday) and I will try to update the list tomorrow night if I have time:

Thrinax parviflora var. ‘Curly Leaf’ 2in
Pseudophoenix ekmanii #5
Dypsis sp. ‘Jurassic Park’ 4in
Microcycas calocoma #3
Zamia pseudoparasitica Bskt.
Zamia roezlii 4in
Zamia imperialis #3
Zamia dressleri #3
Macrozamia macdonnellii #1
Zamia purpurea #1
Caryota mitis #3, #7, #15
Sabal palmetto #45
Adonidia merrillii #7
Dypsis decaryi #7
Coccothrinax macroglossa #10
Chamaerops humilis #15
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis #3
Hyophorbe verschaffeltii #10
Latania loddigesii #7
Thrinax radiata #10
Phoenix roebelenii #3

Ryan and I look forward to meeting you, please introduce yourself when you come. And I'm sure you'll still find some interesting plants, even on saturday. Drive safely.
Thanks Jeff,
I am excited to have the opportunity to come and visit. It looks like we should have a beautiful day for plant shopping. I don't think I ever find a good nursery that doesn't have enough plants that I can't manage to fill up my car with must have additions, and you will have a much greater variety then what I am used to choosing from. See you soon.
I'm not going to make Fri morning for the first time & in about 8 years. I have an important client ($$$) that i must attend to. Ill make the afternoon or sat AM though.
Gotta work today at 11:00 am. Will be at the opening of the gate, it will be a quick in and out for me today. Will miss hanging out talking crotons all day like in the past.

I'm so upset - we planned to go as we do every year. Had to move heaven & earth for husband and me to get the time off work. So we got down to Naples yesterday afternoon, and.... I broke a toe. Splinted the stupid thing and decided we'd go anyway, and first thing this morning, about 6 AM, headed out on Alligator Alley.....

D*mn thing was closed!!! So we're driving around in circles in Naples and a met was saying heavy rain on the way, so we just gave up and went home.

Doubt we can get the time off next weekend, grrr.
I am hoping that it is not pouring when I wake up tomorrow. If it is I will probably wait it out rather than head out at 5:00 am in the rain. I will keep my fingers crossed.
Job well done TEAM SEARLE very nice load of crokies went down the road today, I think there was a palm display somewhere I couldn't find them, I was looking for the GLOCKS. Heard later lost in a fog.
The Spring version of the Extravaganza usually does not offer as large a selection as the Fall. This was not the case this year. Jeff has outdone himself with an incredible array of offered cultivars. I came away with three from my wish list that I've been waiting years to acquire. 5 years ago, there simply was not such a comprehensive selection waiting to get adopted. Still many rare and hard to find crotons available.

It was great to have a chance to meet some of the croton crew and fill my car with plants. I started thinking I would only get a few, but once I got going I didn't stop until my cart was full. Definitely found some that were on my wish list and managed to stay under $400 for 13 great plants. Quite the deal considering many of these I have never seen available. I brought my mom along for the ride and made sure she had a chance to pick some plants out. I guess I didn't have to worry that I wouldn't find anything on Saturday. Now it is time to get busy planting all of them. I will be taking a few more treks around the state trying to get some other interesting plants while I have the week off for Spring Break and have about 60 different cordyline cuttings on the way from Hawaii to root up, but I am off to a great start with my new stash of crotons. Now I need to do some research on all these cultivars to see what I actually bought. The fun has just begun.
It was great to have a chance to meet some of the croton crew and fill my car with plants. I started thinking I would only get a few, but once I got going I didn't stop until my cart was full. Definitely found some that were on my wish list and managed to stay under $400 for 13 great plants. Quite the deal considering many of these I have never seen available. I brought my mom along for the ride and made sure she had a chance to pick some plants out. I guess I didn't have to worry that I wouldn't find anything on Saturday. Now it is time to get busy planting all of them. I will be taking a few more treks around the state trying to get some other interesting plants while I have the week off for Spring Break and have about 60 different cordyline cuttings on the way from Hawaii to root up, but I am off to a great start with my new stash of crotons. Now I need to do some research on all these cultivars to see what I actually bought. The fun has just begun.

It was great meeting you.Your cart was certainly filled with some great stuff.(Monarch, etc) Hopefully you can come down to Miami for the auction in April.You will see some eye popping varieties there also including plants that have never been sold before.
It was great meeting you.Your cart was certainly filled with some great stuff.(Monarch, etc) Hopefully you can come down to Miami for the auction in April.You will see some eye popping varieties there also including plants that have never been sold before.
Is the auction the one taking place after the garden tour at Moose Land? If so I am actually going to be in Miami the day that it is going on, but will unfortunately be tied up at a Global Education conference until 4:00 pm. Of course it worked out on the one Saturday of the year that I have a commitment to school. I will probably be driving down with other teachers, so I don't think I would even have my car. Hopefully I will be available the next time you have an auction and tour. I am yanking out some of my flowering shrubs that don't have year long interest, to open up more room for crotons. I am really glad I went down to Jeff's sale, because it got my enthusiasm for crotons back up to the level I have had for cordylines lately.
I'm heading out to the Extravaganza this morning. The second Friday is slow until the afternoon. Jeff usually goes through his thinned out croton shade house and finds stuff he forgot he had. I have grabbed some very unusual crotons on the second Friday.
First, I want to thank all of you that came to the sale and for your support! And I'm sorry that I get tugged around in 8 different directions and can't talk to all of you that I would like to. It was great to see you all......Ron, Lamar, Ana (for driving so far!), Mike, Karl (nice to meet you!), Mike...... Waykool, Tim from Key West(!!), the Glocks of course, and others that I'm sure I'm forgetting.

Many plants sold, show it just tells me that the croton excitement is alive and very, very well!

I talked to Ron who came out the second weekend and discussed his upcoming croton garden tour. This will be no doubt a very nice gathering and should draw a big crowd. It's well planned and Ron is going well and beyond to make this one hell of a memorable croton tour, so please try to make it and bring a friend(!!!!!!).