Synonyms for the Wiki

Crazy for Crotons

Well-Known Member
Hi Ana,

it's time for a synonym chart so we can avoid duplicate Wiki entries for the same plant. These were all confirmed by Bob Alonzo.

Albicans = White Veitchii
Anietumense = Sunray
AFD #9 = Nervia
Angustissimum = Johannis
Appleaf = Mrs. Iceton = Imperialis
Aureo maculatum = Goldust
Batik = Bush on Fire
Chrysophyllum = Hookerianum
C.I. Craigin = Madam Blanche
Cornutum = Banana
Earl of Derby = Mrs. Fred Sanders (it's not just Fred Sanders)
Edwin Lonsdale = Buddy
Goldfinger = Goldstar Selecta
Goldfinger sport = Stripes and Dots
Helen Edge = Beyond Petra
Illustris = Fiesta
Ken Bullard = White Crocodile
Marie Dressler = Tugboat Annie
Marigold = Yellow Duke of Windsor
Noblissima = Zulu
Rainbow Starlite = Mrs. C.O. Liller
Reasoner's #2 = Victoria Gold Bell
Reliance = Johanna Coppinger Sport = Willie
Roseo Pictus = Gonzales
Stained Glass = John Barnett
Superba = Picasso's paintbrush = Madam Pele
Tortilis = Red Corkscrew
Tortoise Shell = Turtle Back
Undulatum = Piecrust = Mortimer
Virginia = Colonel Lindbergh (Bob isn't 100% certain)
Volutum = Ram's Horn
Warrenii = Jenseni
White Ann Rutherford = Island Breeze
White Eburneum = Andrew
Scott, I think your pic. of Eburneum is like one of mine (Eburneum Narrow Leaf Form) I think it came from Australia but I have no idea when. Three new pics. I am very ifffffy on this name game I mean no offense.


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Tamara (left) and White Eburneun / Andrew (right) growing side by side.
Ron, I thought they were the same but Keith has both plants. Bob also talked about the distinction at the 2010 Glock Christmas Croton Fiesta. Most of what's around is Major Dade. LB appears to be the more rare of the two. Both grow at a good clip.
The Wiki (Ana) needs a photo of Barbara Bush. I may recall that Barabara Bush is a synonym for another cultivar with a more widely accepted name. Can't remember - please some help here ? Ray ? Phil ? Randy ? Was it Evening Embers ? :confused:
Good morning CROTONHEADS, on the mini-tour we mounted up several name tags. That is a good thing but today I found new tag Davis#3 on a plant tagged Helene Chait. Does anyone have any info on H.C.?tags for size reference 3.5X1 inch.


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I'm not familiar with croton Helen Chait, but there is a Jeff Chait, a plant collector & Palm Society member in Miami. Maybe he named? :confused: Just a thought.

You could be very well right, Randy. Jeff C. has produced a few seedlings over the years and named a few. Unfortunately, like so many times, a new seedling that somebody names, this new plant looks so much like an old name variety, it confuses everybody.
Good morning CROTONHEADS, on the mini-tour we mounted up several name tags. That is a good thing but today I found new tag Davis#3 on a plant tagged Helene Chait. Does anyone have any info on H.C.?tags for size reference 3.5X1 inch.

Helene Chait is one of Jeff Chait's seedlings. He has had a number of good seedlings over the years and I have encouraged him to name some of them. I have named some of his others. Lamar, your plant is too small to show mature leaves so I guess that's why someone put the Davis label on it. When mature, it is quite unique. I would stick with the Helene Chait name (Helene is his wife). I'll try to remember to post a photo. Some of you have gotten Sailor's Delight from me and that's another of Jeff's seedlings. And I think Mike is the only one who has Jeff Chait from me ( I named this one after him) but many of you have seen it in past TFEPS Shows.
I have all three that Marie mentioned and they are all great plants!! Lamar your plant will get a little more distinctive with time :)

Helene Chait is one of Jeff Chait's seedlings. He has had a number of good seedlings over the years and I have encouraged him to name some of them. I have named some of his others. Lamar, your plant is too small to show mature leaves so I guess that's why someone put the Davis label on it. When mature, it is quite unique. I would stick with the Helene Chait name (Helene is his wife). I'll try to remember to post a photo. Some of you have gotten Sailor's Delight from me and that's another of Jeff's seedlings. And I think Mike is the only one who has Jeff Chait from me ( I named this one after him) but many of you have seen it in past TFEPS Shows.