Pagoda Plant - Lots of Color


Staff member
I don't know the official name of this plant, and I know it's nothing special - but still a nice plant when flowering. It's such an easy grow that it is almost invasive. I held out on planting any because I was told that. But it isn't all that bad.

It does spread, but pretty easy to control. And it's nice to have something that just grows and is always a looker when flowering. Plus the color stays for quite awhile.

I have this in two areas of my garden Dean and I love it for the butterflies. However, it is invasive here and I really have to keep close tabs on it. Mine have been in the ground 8ish years and the suckers sometimes pop up 25 feet away. Still worth it to me though.
Thanks for the warning - mine is only on it's third year - so maybe it is just getting started. Are you sure it is coming up from suckers that far away, and not the seeds? You have me a little worried now. Watching
I had one here years ago and it wanted to take control of the area I had it planted in. I finally removed it. I purchased it with the name of "Clerodendrum" something.
The name of the plant is
Clerodendrum paniculatum. Here is a pic of one of mine, color is yellow, seems to be more free flowering than my red, It never seems to stop unless i cut them as they go too tall
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I think the whole invasive thing is put on plants that actually do well too often. Nothing is invasive in California where the hose doesn't reach.
Hawaii and souFLA don't count. In California we WISH many plants would be invasive. For some reason attractive plants from South Africa's drier climates don't come close to invasive. We wish. What's invasive? The same weeds that grow in Europe. Mustard,Dandelions.
I've never seen a re seeded Aloe!..or Crassula or..