Need Another I.D. Part 5


Esteemed Member
Another shameful I.D. request for these :eek: They are group planted, the first one may just a more shaded version of the second.

Croton fetus :eek:, Ron


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Thank you Ricky! Many of this variety was found, depending on the degree of sun they receive created the different deepnest of color. Grasshopper is learning?

Thank you Ricky! Many of this variety was found, depending on the degree of sun they receive created the different deepnest of color. Grasshopper is learning?



When I logged on this evening, I saw all the new topics. What a surprise! It's been fun looking and inter-reacting with everyone. Thanks for starting some new topics.

I sense you might have been bit lately?:rolleyes:

Yes Jeff - its all your fault taking me to TikiRiki's garden for that meeting. :p Croton people seem so much friendlier than many palm people. Palm Talk has been wearing me down lately. :( Many grouchy snarky posters on that forum. :mad:

I have been needing more color in the garden and crotons fill that need. I have also purchased both of Frank Browns books. I like what I see but am terrible at an I.D. Maybe with time I may develope the eye.

Ron :)
Well, I can tell you this - the collecting part is a lot easier than palms. We feel like we've gone from "0-60" in less than a month. :)

We went crazy with the clippers at first. Then Jeff Searle dropped in with some cuttings. Then Dr. George ( a new neighbor in Kona, but lives in California - and a PP member) made a deal. We agreed that if he did the clipping and collecting around the island, that we would grow them up until he can take care of things over here. Then he is entitled to cuttings. So, he just dropped off a couple of dozen before he left for Cal.

Too bad we can't tell the difference between about 90% of them. So I'm glad to hear we're not alone. But I remember having trouble telling the difference between a King and a Kentia when I first started with palms. So maybe there is still hope.