Fall Croton Mtg


Well-Known Member
As we are all hoping to return to some normalcy....Mike..Judith and Lamar stopped by for some rum..dinner & garden, and Mike suggested a croton meeting in November.
Would be great seeing everyone.
missing in action. Saw Melanie buyin plants...her natural element. Lord knows where she'll findthe space
Hi all, just had a word with Mike and two dates that look good are Oct 23 and Nov 13. Oct is still in hurricane season but Nov 13 starts to get close to Thanksgiving. Any preferences??
I'm now scheduled for neurosurgery (deep brain stimulation) on 13-Oct instead of today (1-Sept) due to all the un-vaxed idiots clogging up the ICUs at local hospitals. No driving for two weeks after the operation. However,I will not be surprised if it gets delayed even more, so later is better. If I can, I'll be there.
Lots of much needed rain here today in the South Pinellas desert.
Good luck Phil, the unvaxed are really making it tough for us all. Let us se what happens as cases are exploding down here now so later on in the year is looking more likely anyways.
We should keep Oct 23 as our date for our croton get together..hope all goeswell Phil and you can make it.
matters not the group size..will be good to see everyone
Get together sounds great. Would love to see everyone. Keep me posted. Good luck to you Phil. Hope all goes well. Marnie