

Esteemed Member
The more I look at this King of Siam the more I become confused. This one has large longer leaves than the pics I find of the K.O.S. with very little if any pink.


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This one looks like what I think the K.O.S. should look like.


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The side by side shot. Do you think the winter kill (killed to ground 09/10 winter) changed the looks of the K.O.S. in the first post. The plants are growing in the same sun conditions. Thoughts?


  • IMG_9073.jpg
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It's a croton! My KOS do the same thing - little spots, big spots, cream spots, pink spots and in every combination and permutation - with an occasional interupted leaf thrown in for good measure.
sorry cat ran over keys...Give it some go juice(fertilzer) come this spring do this every two weeks. Your King of Siam should be better looking that what you are presenting in this picture. Seems like to me the roots are not sprawling out from the plant. I when I was living down there kept leaves all around kept the plants I had hundreds of crotons and all cared in this way did exceptionally well. Any plants which were not cared for in this manner suffered root die off and held back growth. Crotons will jump in growth if the right conditions are met. I was using live oak leaves every fall. Keep your nitrogen half of the Phosperous and Potash. Nitogen in excess will only help foot rots and other nasty fungals to form. Good luck with your crotons......Angelo aka socialcroton
all of the king o s i have are very thick growing plants , the ones that got froze back in 2009 came back like yours but eventially grew back just like the others , you cant tell the difference 2 years later ....