Buddy may be Edwin Lonsdale

Crazy for Crotons

Well-Known Member
Bob Alonzo mentioned to me this week he believes the croton we now call Buddy was better known years ago as Edwin Lonsdale. This old name appears in the Christian papers and Dr. Brown's old book.

That's kind of interesting. I'm curious, how did Bob base this on? This might be a hard one to change names back to on this one.:) Buddy is alot more easier to remember.
Ron, it's too many pages to publish. I'll bring some copies to the December meeting.

Jeff, I'm not sure how he arrived at that conclusion. The EL name is in the old book and sounds close to a Buddy description.
Ray - could you bring a few copies of "the Christian Papers" to the Holiday Social at the Glock's on Dec. 11th. :)

I think the Buddy and Edwin Lonsdale question needs to be added to the discussion agenda as well. :p
Good question as far as Edwin Lonsdale goes Ill have to pick up all my papers from my sons house to confirm. But now i can only say this much he was around Henry Dreers place and he has a few plants named after him. Mainly sports from Begonias, Should be a very old name have to look deeper on this one :) I welcome the challenge.
Here is my plant that I got as Buddy. It was planted in too deep of shade and the leaves stayed mostly green and were not remarkable. It was moved at the beginning of March to a sunnier aspect. It seems to be responding well to it's new location. ;)


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