Another Dypsis Mystery


Staff member
Just what we need. Another one.

But I thought some of you would like a look. It is similar to what has been called Honkona (not Hankona), but the spear has color. I'm open to any input.


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I'm convinced that is what was sold around a while back as Dypsis tsarantananensis. I have one struggling along and Bud Zager has a decent one I think.
Good Call BS,

That is what the tag said where I found it in the back corner of a local nursery. But what is it really? Do you think this palm has come in under any other name.
Per Tri, and some photo's I've stumbled on, the "old" collections in Australia have them as you said. "D. honkona". But I'm sure were called hankona too...
That's good enough for me. I thought it was the same as the infamous Honkona. But I think that D. hankona is a form of D. decipiens, and I don't think that this one is in that D. decipiens group. I think Jeff M. has a large one he is calling something else - a legit name. I'll check again next time I'm over. I thought with the red spear it may be something else, but we'll see if it stays red.
Heres mine...a palm barely alive..(cue six million dollar man sound now..)


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Bo has some as mystery ones too, I think one or two have colored spears also..
There was a palm in the olden days (1990) that was one of the first rare Dypsis around - just called Phloga (I think). They all eventually died, some getting fronds almost 6 feet long. I think this is what those may have been.
I *think*...aaaauuugghhh, can't remember his name. (long time guy, lives blocks from Kim) -may- have one in his back yard also. doing pretty well. I think he has one those "sparse leaf" D. pilulifera (old name) ones too. Its labeled as D. basilonga and I know its not that.
Yep, thats his name. Plus I just checked. I think Bo has some on his site as (how ironic) Dypsis mystery. :D
I think Tri, me and now you are the only cheerleaders for this palm. VERY few out there.
Dean- Its been a year or so, is yours any bigger?

As a side note SOME Dypsis betefaka that came around over the last year or so seem to be like the Bo mystery palm. You know, with the red spear, etc.

My above palm continues to grow and yet shrink at the same time?
A little bigger - not a fast palm.

Next time I'm at Jeff M's I'll try to get a pic of the biggest I've seen. It I remember correctly, it is just starting to trunk, and he says it is very old.